What is there to see

The Hash House Harriers are obsessed with showing their uniqueness. Each of the over 1500 chapters in the World has it's own designs of t-shirts, hats, bottle openers, shot glasses and whatever else. They design new versions of those whenever they organise a special event or for no reason whatsoever

Hashers travel a lot, visit other chapters in as many countries as possible and bring those parafernalia home to impress their friends (who make an effort not to show that they are impressed). The Hash House Harriers Museum has the largest collection of these parafernalia for you to see and touch. You are more than welcome. Neptunus is your host and he will show you round and offer beer and snacks and whatever else you need.

More Hash History

Parafernalia are only one aspect of the rich Hash House Harriers history and Neptunus is not the only one trying to preserve it for eternity. Amongst others ....

Visit the Museum

Best to make an appointment
Call or use whatsapp +60 109038771

E-mail:  dijkhuizen.neptunus@gmail.com

Visiting address

34/36 Jalan Penghulu Mat,

Taman Halimahton,

58000 Kuala Lumpur,

Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur,


The museum is located at a 15' (depending on traffic) taxi ride from KL Sentral is Bahasa train station. Use the Grab app and type "Hash museum".

Open Google Maps - get the Grab app

Or Take The Virtual Tour 

About Neptunus and Other Persons Of Interest

Neptunus will dedicate the remainder of his mortal life to preserve hash t-shirts and other parafernalia for eternity. He settled down in Kuala Lumpur where you can visit his museum, watch and touch all there is to see. Also learn about ambasadors Hagissimo , Sir Higgins and Moose Diver . And there is Pink Panter (without the "h") of course.


Well .... what is there to say. The pictures below speak for themselves.

Setting Up the Museum 

How it started

Neptunus was and is one of those hashers that travel the World to do as many runs as possible with as many different kennels (or chapters if you prefer) as possible. Neptunus kept all the T-shirts and Paraphernalia he got from his Hash travels. This obsessive compulsion started to become serious in 1992 and has only gotten worse since then.

In 2008 he moved into a rather large, brand-new 1930ties style house in The Hague and started decorating it with his hash Paraphernalia. When setting trails from his house, hashers dropped their jaws in aw and stumbled: “This place looks like a museum! I have some stuff for you as well if you want”. It got from bad to worse. Old museum Pictures  More Old Museum Pictures

Big donor

The first, huge donor was Timekeeper. A 91 year old hasher from Assen H3. Unfortunately, he passed away before Neptunus could get the shirts from his warm hands. Luckily his widow knew about the Neptunus’ ambition and she contacted him to pick it all up; 450 T-shirts! This was only the beginning, many many donations were made by local and international hashers.

Growing bigger 

The big house was not big enough. Neptunus rented parts of an abandoned office building. Low rent and no solid lease. He could be kicked out with four weeks notice. He moved his collection twice in a couple of years.


The last time Neptunus was kicked out of his temporary lodgings, there was no alternative location available in the greater The Hague area. Luckily a hasher friend (Neptunus has many of those) from Malaysia offered him a place near Kuala Lumpur, in Bandar Saujana Putra.  Everything was shipped to Malaysia, just before Covid broke loose. The humongous pile of boxes were just standing there for 2 years until travelling was allowed again. It soon turned out the place was too small and too far from Kuala Lumpur to receive many visitors.

Covid pandemic

During Covid lock down, Neptunus felt lonely without his beloved Hash T-shirts comforting him. Malaysia was still out of order but he was allowed to travel again in Europe. he made a 6 week tour and visited Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Czech Republic and Belgium to collect a whopping 1200 T-shirts! The results of the Post-Covid road trip

Two locations

This new, European collection was on display in his small house in Rotterdam. He found another place in The Hague (Lots of pictures here) which he maintained for a few years and then Neptunus officially retired from his paying job, no need to travel back and forth to Malaysia any more. Pablow, a Dutch hasher and logistical genius, offered to send the complete The Hague collection to Kuala Lumpur. Pictures of hipping to KL (Rotterdam Harbour)

Current Location 

Pictures of Setting up the museum in Kuala Lumpur

Desperately seeking for an alternative for his too small location in Bandar Saujana Putra, he ran into something big enough, not too expensive and within easy reach of any hasher visiting Kuala Lumpur. It was moving time again!

The current location of the Hash Museum was officially opened on the 28th of July 2024 with an Inaugural Run and Party. 135 hashers were present. This location is again only temporary. The Hash Heritage Foundation is rebuilding a Hash House that is inspired by the original Hash House where the Hash House Harriers originated. It will not be the same, it is not even in the same location but who cares. It will be a place of pilgrimage for the global hash community. The main building is almost ready. When the annex is also ready (scheduled half/end 2027), the museum will move to its final, permanent location. 


Getting the museum up and running was (and still is) almost a full time occupation. Neptunus did get a lot of help. Everyone that donated their shirts and paraphernalia of course, there would not be a collection without them. But a lot of people contributed their physical labour and offered financial and logistical support. I mention them in no particular order. They all earned lifetime free visiting rights to the museum, just like anyone else.

Many thanks to Coconut ,  Pablow, Double Whopper and just Paula. More On, Higgins, Bruce Almighty,  Skinhead, Urine, Hazukasii.

Legacies of hundreds of T-shirts from Timekeeper (Netherlands),  Loudspeaker Box (Malaysia,  Maharaja ((Malaysia), Don Cheang (Malaysia),  Hush Puppy (Netherlands), Bromfiets (Netherlands), Bill Panton (Malaysia) and Tim Huges (Thailand).

Many many more. If I forgot to mention you? It does not matter, you still earned lifelong free visiting to the museum in its current or future location.

Financial contributions

There is (will be) a separate section on this website on how the museum is organised and funded. Look for the sections Organisation and Funding below.

Contribute to the museum

Pictures Pictures Pictures

Contribute to the Museum

There are four ways to help the museum to become a bigger success than it already is.


Non-profit organisation

The Hash House Harriers Museum is registered as a non-profit both in the Netherlands and in Malaysia.

The Netherlands: Stichting tot behoud van het HHH Museum

Registration number: 863136941

Registration date: 15-OCT-2021

Malasya: Persatuan Hash Muzium

Registration number: PPM-017-14-31122024

Registration date: 31-DEC-2024


President - Nathlie

VPresident - Johan

Secretary - Thanabal

Asstistent Sectratery - Tan See Meng

Treasurer - Ivan


Lim Mei Fong



Crazy Horse

Sir Higgins


Moose Diver



Sir Higgins 

Moose Diver 

Financial situation

The museum has no structural financial means. It depends entirely on gifts from the Hash community. There has been a survey going round in the global hash community to find out how hashers feel about the museum and whether there is sufficient financial support. The project team has received almost 500 responses to date. Although this is not a representative sample of the hash community at large, it does give insight in what the best fund-raising strategies would be. The fund-raising campagne is set to be launched mid February, 2025

Support from the Hash community

The museum works very close with the The hash heritage foundation. This group is building a Hash House in Kuala Lumpur, inspired by the original Hash House that will serve as  a place of pilgrimage for the global hash community. The museum will also be based there in a couple of years when the second building is ready.


The Museum 


The Board 


For over 16 years Neptunus funded the museum mostly by himself, with the occasional help of a few hashers. The move to Malaysia and expansion of the museum meant higher costs and now requires a new funding approach. The money received in 2023 and 2024 - of which €10,000 from Eurohash 2023 - has now run out. According to a Xmas 2024 online survey there is a strong enough interest to keep the museum going so we're now looking for fresh donations. The money will be used to pay the current building rent and maintenance costs until the museum moves to its final self-funding location, anticipated in summer 2027.


The museum has no structural financial means. It depends on gifts from the Hash community. There has been a survey going round in the global hash community to find out how hashers feel about the museum and whether there is sufficient financial support. The project team has received almost 500 responses to date. Although this is not a representative sample of the hash community at large, it does give insight in what the best fund-raising strategies would be. The fund-raising campagne is set to be launched mid February, 2025

How to financially contribute to the museum

Main financial contributors


Pablow The Hague H3 - The Netherlands 

EuroHash 2023 Baarlo - The Netherlands

InterHash 2004 Cardiff - Wales

InterHash 2024 Queenstown - New Zealand


Virgin's Dream


Aint Ze Bush

Sir Higgins

Moose Diver 

RA & H2H0

Iron Lady

Late Commer & Massive Attack


Spermbank & Erector

Bold Fokker


She Mussel Bitch

Tuna Melt & Opee



Cocktails! & Woo-oo

I like your boobs

McKinley & Jumper

Scuba Deuce


Saving Myself

Cat Woman

Deer Bitch

Questions & Suggestions

Many hashers reached out to Neptunus with friendly suggestions and questions. The most important are listed below and are taken very serious. Quite a number of them are already implemented on this website, at the museum and in the organisation of the museum. The document with the questions and suggestions can be downloaded here here