Optoelectronic Nanomaterials Engineering Lab (ONEL)

Research Objective

Our mission is to establish novel systems for solar-to-fuel energy conversion using organic semiconductors.

ONEL focuses on "solar fuel production," which involves converting solar energy into chemical energy at molecular level. One prominent example of solar fuel production is the reduction of water to produce hydrogen (green hydrogen) or the reduction of carbon dioxide to produce methanol, ethanol, and other compounds under illumination. 

ONEL is developing various organic semiconductors (OSs) that can efficiently convert solar energy and aims to demonstrate practical systems for solar fuel production using these newly developed OSs. Through this integrated research, ONEL ultimately aims to achieve the circular economy. 


2024 Spring. New group photos!📷🌸

Open Positions

We have open positions for graduate students/interns

If you are interested in organic semiconductors and organic devices for solar-fuel production, please do not hesitate to contact Prof. Han-Hee Cho.

Please have a look at "Recruiting" page.

Contact info: +82-52-217-2465, hhcho@unist.ac.kr

Office: UNIST BLDG #102 Rm #601-2 (Office hours: 2~4 PM, every Tue and Thu)