
Uncertainty Quantification, Statistics, Machine Learning

  • Uncertainty Quantification of the 4th kind; optimal posterior accuracy-uncertainty tradeoff with the minimum enclosing ball, with Pau Batlle Franch, Houman Owhadi, Clint Scovel, Mahdy Shirdel, Michael Stanley, Peyman Tavallali. [PDF]

  • Decision-Theoretic Bootstrapping, with Peyman Tavallali, Danial J. Esaid, Houman Owhadi. [PDF]

Decision Theory, Rationality, Social Choice Theory

  • Aggregation of Models, Choices, Beliefs, and Preferences, with Houman Owhadi. [PDF]

  • Aggregation of Pareto optimal models, with Houman Owhadi. [PDF]

  • Closure operators: Complexity and applications to classification and decision-making, with Federico Echenique.

  • A Mathematical Theory of Classifiers; Representations and Applications. [PDF]

  • A Theory of Recursive Aggregation with Applications. [PDF]

  • A Subjective Conditional Expected Utility Theory of State-Dependent Preferences.

Work in Progress

  • Review of Optimization, Game Theory, Statistical Decision Theory, with Houman Owhadi and Clint Scovel.

  • New Applications of Decision Theory and Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces in Machine Learning.

  • Generalized Methods of Moments and Applications in Machine Learning.

  • A General Random Expected Utility Theory, with Kota Saito.