The sources used in this project

Archival Sources

Dorset History Centre, Dorchester, United Kingdom

Around 1,700 drawings, sketches and watercolours by W.J. Bankes, W.H. Beechey, A.M. Linant de Bellefonds, A. Ricci, and H. Salt. Reference number DHC, D/BKL Folders V-XXI.

A series of three maps of Nubia and Sudan, from Aswan to Sinnar. Reference number DHC, D/BKL XXI.C.8-10. Accessible here: 

Kingston Lacy House, Wimborne Minster, United Kingdom

View of the interior of the Second Pillared Hall, looking North; al-Dirr; W.H. Beechey; ink, colour wash on thick paper; 340x495 (DHC, D/BKL, Drawing X.D.25)

Published Sources

Shinnie, Margaret (ed.). Linant de Bellefonds. Journal d’un Voyage à Meroe dans les années 1821 et 1822. Sudan Antiquities Service: Khartoum, 1958.

Salvoldi, Daniele (ed.). From Siena to Nubia. Alessandro Ricci in Egypt and Sudan, 1817-22. The American University in Cairo Press: Cairo-New York, 2018.

Usick, Patricia. "Not the Travel Journal of Alessandro Ricci." In Studies in Egyptian Antiquities: A Tribute to T.G.H. James, edited by Vivian W. Davies, 115-21. London: The British Museum Press, 1999.