Resources Help

Physical Resources

  • Location - Do you have a physical location(shop, warehouse, home) or an online location? Tell me about it in your business plan

  • Materials - What raw materials will you need? Tell me what they are and why you need them. Where will you buy them from?

  • Equipment - What equipment do you need? Walking boots, sewing machine? Tell me what you need, why you need it and where you will buy it from

  • Fitting and Fixtures - Do you need table & chairs for your shop? A window display for your shop? Tell me what you need, why and where you will buy it from

  • Information Technology - Do you need a computer , printer, internet and any specific software? Tell me what you need, why and where you will buy it from

  • Stock - What do you need to buy in and why? This may link to how much you think you are going to sell. Tell me what you need, why and where you will buy it from

Human Resources

  • How many people will you need to employ?

  • How many hours will they be working?

  • How much will you be paying them (check the current national minimum wage)?

Financial Resources

You should have already:

  • Start up costs

  • Running costs - fixed costs (utility bills, rent, wages etc) and variable costs (costs that change with production e.g. raw materials, dog poo bags etc)

Update your costs in your appendices.

Calculate your Breakeven point

Lesson 8 Resources required - Physical, financial & Human resources.pptx