Keeping Customers Satisfied

Even in markets with lots of competition, it is possible for an enterprise to succeed. There are six ways an enterprise can outdo its competitors to keep its customers satisfied. This will help an enterprise to make a profit, manage its costs efficiently and be successful.

Quality of product - Matching the quality of the products to what customers are willing to pay is important. If the quality is too low, the customer is unlikely to return (no customer loyalty). If it is too high, the resulting higher price may put them off.

Price of product - Customers look for value for money. This does not always mean a product is cheap, it means the customer means the product s worth what they pay for it.

Unique features and selling points - These are the elements that make the product more different from what competitors are offering. Customers are often attracted by something that is new of different.

Customer Service - Similar enterprises can often provide more personal service or local knowledge

Availability – Having products at the right time can help retain customers

Convenience - Offering a service in the evening and weekends, as well as during the day and having parking close to the enterprise

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