Humanity First

Research Symposium

Symposium 2020

This symposium, which occurred on November 1st, 2020, raised $240 for our Gift of Health program, providing free medical care to thousands of impoverished Guatemalans.

Through this event, 6 student scholars were provided a platform to present/showcase their work and publish to the UT Digital Repository (a publicly accessible, academic platform that is citable), all while supporting a noble effort. The event was a huge success and to get a glimpse of the day, the schedule is shown on the right!

Congratulations to our 2020 published Humanity First Scholars!

  1. Madhu Rami Reddy (Cellular Metabolism and its Impact on Viral Infection)

  2. Aditya Acharya (How Cells Cope with Stress)

  3. Emily Jason (Message Framing Changes Perceptions of Both Generic and Name-Brand Medications)

  4. Alyssa Davis (Rapport Building in Dog-Assisted Interviews)

  5. Saira Khan (Using Vocalizations to Investigate Behavior in Mice)

  6. Musa Lughmani (Thinner medial orbital frontal cortex is associated with early PTSD symptoms, sleep disturbance, and mental health...)