The university of toledo


The Humanity First Student Chapter at the University of Toledo is an auxiliary of Humanity First USA, a nonprofit dedicated to disaster relief and capacity-building. Our chapter was founded in 2019 with the continued mission to advocate for human life by means of undertaking disaster relief efforts, as well as human development projects for socially disadvantaged communities in collaboration with Humanity First USA.

Get Involved!

1. Join our GroupMe!

2. Join a Gift of Health Medical Mission Trip to Guatemala

3. Volunteer and seek leadership opportunities with our service projects (i.e. tutoring with The Education Project, Gift of Sight Eyeglass Drive, Gift of Health missions, etc)

4. Attention Medical Students! Please visit our tab on the HF UTCOM!

tutor a k-12 student!

The pandemic has exacerbated pre-existing educational disparities in our country. Just 1-2 hours a week of your time can help bridge this gap.

To tutor with The Education Project, submit this form.