WiSe 2024/25

Heegaard Floer Homology 

Symplectic Geometry Seminar at HU Berlin

This is a working group seminar run by Prof. Chris Wendl, Prof. Klaus Mohnke and Prof. Thomas Walpuski. The main topic of the seminar this semester is going to be Heegaard--Floer homology. A basic understanding of topology and differential geometry is sufficient to follow the talks in this seminar. If you're interested in giving a talk or have any questions, feel free to send an email to Chun-Sheng Hsueh or Naageswaran Manikandan

If you plan to participate in the seminar, please join the moodle (the enrollment key is "Heegaard"). The moodle will be used for time-sensitive announcements. If you don't have an HU account, you can still register for the HU Moodle with an external e-mail address by following the procedure given in this webpage


Place: 1.023 (The BMS seminar Room), Johann-von-Neumann-Haus, Rudower choussee 25, 12489 Berlin.

Time: Monday 15:15 -16:45,

5 LP for local students.



Here’s a tentative list of talks to be distributed among participants:

More details
