so i run a ghost clan and i'm trying to get 100% research but the hema requires 5000 mutagen samples to get started. to reach this goal me and another clan member started farming them on Deimos. we found that in 30 minutes we could only get 50 samples per person. this meant that a full farming squad of 4 players would need a total of 12.5 hours of nonstop farming to fund the hema research. is there a better way to farm these things?

There was reasons for it, as changing the cost would undermine the effort done by the clans and would make refunds of the resource impossible to accomplish. DE didn't know how to refund said resource to the donators, especially if the players had left the clan or if several players donated the stuff, how would you distribute the excess, which players would have the resource consumed and who would be refunded, do you even know if DE had dates on the contribution logs?

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If they did the reduction as soon as possible back then, it wouldn't have been a big deal even if they wasn't able to refund the mutagen samples. It's not like there would have been anything else to spend them on anyway, so nothing actually valuable would have been lost.

You can blame DE for their typo by adding a '0' that shouldn't have been there, then all the big Clans went crazy farming that many mutagen samples and building the Hema that DE just left it that way.

Our Clans Hema was 15000 but I pulled a sneaky when I had farmed the 5000 I dropped the Clan tier down one level which then started the Hema researching in the Lab. I'm currently sitting in inventory 6592 mutagen samples.

Pretty sure this is why the Arquebex ended up so overpowered lol, leaving in a 0 by accident...

When we planned our expansion to 7 dojos, we kept them all at Ghost tier to power through the research before increasing the size, unless it's a busy large dojo it's absolutely ludicrous to bother leaving it that size for research such as that I agree.

why use oberon for healing when you can use banshee to make sure they die instantly from hydroid tentacles or khora net instead? They don't have time to hurt anyone then and you'll get more kills ie more drops.

AoE attacks , eximus auras , acid-vomit attacks from mutulist , all this can hurt abit and your in defense mission of all things . Add in novas reverse uno speed up and youl soon realize that you will need healer if you plan to stay long .

I'm almost done with the hema(800 samples left). I started farming them this month when I built my mechs. I just did iso vaults over and over until both mechs were lvl 40. I dont play a lot each night, so just a couple hours. By the time both mechs were 40, I had about 2.5k samples. And now ive been doing deimos defence. With a loot frame and a booster, I get about 70 samples per 20 waves, solo. Its a hell of a grind, but the fact that you can get them running bounties helps a lot with the monotony of it all. Good luck tenno

I have a solo clan (ghost), so I ended up farming for Hema research myself. This was before Deimos, so I just did Derelict survivals for a weekend. Used Nekros, Smeeta and both resource boosters (one from Baro, the other one bought for plat). It was not fun, but it was fairly doable. Should be easier with multiple people.

I was pretty vocal about this at Hema's release. Now? With Deimos? With a new open world which rewards both mutagen samples and orokin cells? With an unlocked matchmaking and no need for keys for the previous-derelict missions?

It took years of just playing casually but I unlocked mine heh. Deimos needing mutagen for a bunch of weapons did push me to actively farm them, I just have x100 Medium? Health restores to contribute to and i think I will be done with most stuff. Sadly I will never have the orokin lab crap or ignis wraith so will never be 100%.

I think some/all of the dojo rooms like Dueling Room do not count unless they are actually in your dojo... I built some rooms and then destroyed them and it took back the standing I think lol. Lame lol.

Yep, and don't forget the Cryotic farm for Sibear and Knux research. There are certain pieces of content that are best reserved for Resource Boosters. Although now that I have the Mutagen Sample and Cryotic sinks out of the way, I am a bit at a loss when I get Resource Boosters. Exploiter Orb is great, but it is a slow fight so I can only do so many before getting bored...

You're right, it's ridiculous. I guess it's a holdover from way back in the day drop rates used to be way higher and there were other incentives to doing derelict missions. You might be able to fudge your numbers up by making sure you're doing an effective mission type (probably survival), making sure your squad is optimized (maybe something similar to an endo farming setup?), making sure everyone has full boosters.

They need to stop doing this though. There are people out there with millions in every single Focus tree. Imagine if they introduce Focus expansions with New War or if Duviri ever comes out and base the costs around those people instead of what's reasonable to someone coming up through the content fresh.

It makes content prohibitive to anyone that wasn't one of the no-lifers during older content, all in an attempt to artificially extend limited content for those that have been playing for a long time.

The issue is how the amounts are worked out (for all research), the hema is basically 500 mutagen samples per person in a full clan of any size with active people, that's an easy amount to get in all honesty, but due to way research is based on the max capacity of a clan rather than by number of actual people it hurts small clans with one or two people in them. Clans which are full of players who won't actually help out in farming is another matter and personally I'd be kicking them out and reducing clan size etc.

Office: 2812 NB

Phone: 314-273-6748

Email: ResearchThe laboratory of Hema Adhikari, PhD focuses on interrogating RAS oncoprotein signaling networks through the lens of interactomes in cancer, based on an innovative functional proteomics platform combining proximity labeling technology coupled to CRISPR/Cas9 screening. We employ a multifaceted approach by leveraging biochemistry, cell signaling, proteomics, genomics into a range of experimental systems including cell culture, three-dimensional organoids and genetically engineered mouse models. The overarching goal of our laboratory is to elucidate mechanistic underpinnings of reprogramming of oncoprotein signaling networks in space and time to transduce aberrant signaling and promote cancer initiation and tumorigenesis, as a discovery point to reveal new actionable targets that can counter therapeutic resistance.

Whether your hematology testing is fully integrated or stand-alone, the Atellica HEMA Analyzers have been designed to work seamlessly with our wide range of digital and workflow solutions that help to optimize clinical operations.

Atellica and all associated marks are trademarks of Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc., or its affiliates. Aptio Automation is manufactured by Inpeco and is exclusively distributed by Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc. Aptio is a trademark of Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc. Inpeco is a trademark of Inpeco SA. All other trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. 152ee80cbc

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