I want excel to open multiple spreadsheets in completely separate windows. I don't want to view side by side or anything I just want them to be on completely different windows. For example, when I hover over excel in my desktop taskbar, I want all of my spreadsheets to show. Thank you!

Like Theo_Bear and and Nabil, your question is not totally clear to me either. If by "multiple spreadsheets" you actually mean "multiple workbooks", it sounds as if you want to know how to open each Excel workbook in its own dedicated instance, so they show up as such on your task bar as you mentioned. If that is what you want, this picture shows 2 methods for achieving that objective.

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Having spreadsheets in two different windows makes many Excel tasks easier. One of the possible solutions is viewing workbooks side by side, but this eats a lot of space and isn't always the best option. Opening an Excel document in a new instance is something more than just the ability to compare or view sheets next to each other. It's like having a few different applications running at the same time - while Excel is busy recalculating one of your workbooks, you can continue working on another.

Excel 2010 and earlier versions had the Multiple Document Interface (MDI). In this interface type, multiple child windows reside under a single parent window, and only the parent window has a toolbar or menu bar. Therefore, in these Excel versions, all workbooks are opened in the same application window and share a common ribbon UI (toolbar in Excel 2003 and earlier).

Whenever you need to open a new instance of Excel, double-click this desktop shortcut.

Excel option in the Send To menuIf you often have to open multiple Excel windows simultaneously, see this advanced shortcut solution. It is actually easier than it may seem, just try it:

Now, you can avoid opening additional files from within Excel. Instead, you can right-click the files in Windows Explorer, and choose Send to > Excel.

Other suggestions that may work for youThere are two other solutions that work for many people. One of them is selecting the "Ignore other applications that use Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)" option in Advanced Excel Options. The other one involves registry changes.

Open Excel files in multiple windows in Office 2013 and laterBeginning with Office 2013, each Excel workbook is displayed in a separate window by default, even though it is the same Excel instance. The reason is that Excel 2013 started to use the Single Document Interface (SDI), in which each document is opened in its own window and handled separately. Meaning, in Excel 2013 and later versions, each application window can only contain one workbook that has its own ribbon UI.

So, what do I do to open files in different windows in modern Excel versions? Nothing special :) Just use the Open command in Excel or double-click a file in Windows Explorer. To open a file in a new Excel instance, follow these instructions.

How to open Excel sheets in separate windowsTo get multiple sheets of the same workbook to open in different windows, carry out these steps:

Tip. To switch between different windows displaying different spreadsheets, use the Ctrl + F6 shortcut.How to open multiple instances of ExcelWhen opening multiple files in Excel 2013 and later, each workbook is displayed in a separate window. However, they all open in the same Excel instance by default. In most cases, that works just fine. But if you execute a long VBA code or recalculate complex formulas in one workbook, other workbooks within the same instance may become irresponsive. Opening each document in a new instance solves the problem - while Excel performs a resource-consuming operation in one instance, you can work in a different workbook in another instance.

Now, opening a new instance of Excel takes just one mouse click.

How do I know which Excel files are in which instance?To check how many Excel instances you have running, open the Task Manager (the fastest way is to press the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys together). To view the details, expand each instance and see which files are nested there.

That's how to open two Excel sheets in separate windows and different instances. That was pretty easy, wasn't it? I thank you for reading and look forward to seeing you on our blog next week!

I am happier today than yesterday, my life now make sense again, I will not wish to die any more when working with multiple large excel files. I am going for the custom Excel shortcut for sure: I do not want a single Excel instance managing more than one workbook never again.

I have two desktops open in Windows 11. In one desktop, I have an excel workbook open. What I want to do is open a separate excel workbook in the other desktop. If I click on the icon on the second desktop (I do not have an icon in the taskbar on the second desktop), it takes me to the first desktop. My goal is to have one workbook open in the first desktop and a different one open in the second desktop.

For point 2: use multiple instances; I just made the above steps to work.

Instead of opening the last active Excel window and then waiting for a while (!), it now opens another Excel window right away.

A huge performance increase I migth say...

The only thing is you can't pin items to it. Could be solved by creating shortcuts for files you use frequently, as ASG points out at his msg from September 8, 2022 at 8:33 am.

Or: use the alt key in explorer, as mentioned above. But the order is a bit wacky, double click and longpress alt, then click yes (message box is not active and the no button is default selected), a bit of a hassle.

Or: open a new instance, go to explorer, drag and drop the file into the Excel window.

Or open a new instance, ctrl+o, open pinned items there.

The simplest way to open a spreadsheet in its own window is to add its full path and name to the Target string in the shortcut:

- Right click desktop > new > shortcut

- In the Location text box enter "c:\paths to program\excel.exe" "C:\Users\path to spreadsheet\name.xlsx"

-Next > enter the name of the shortcut > save

@flippertie This has been a awesome find! Thank you so much - your solution worked a treat on my Stream Deck. I'd tried everything for the last 3hrs and was about to give up then I gave this a try and it opens all my excel files separately - Thank you, thank you thank you! *So happy,

When you open a workbook, Microsoft Excel may display multiple windows that contain a copy of that same workbook. Additionally, the title bar displays the workbook name followed by a colon and a number, such as Book1:1 and Book1:2. The taskbar in Microsoft Windows also displays a button for each of these windows.

Click the Close button (the X in the upper-right corner) of the window that you do not want.

NOTE: If you click Close on the File menu, Excel closes all windows that contain the workbook. Because the settings are retained, you will see all the windows again the next time you open the workbook.

Excel allows you to open multiple windows to view a single workbook. This is useful when you want to view different sheets in the same workbook or different areas of a large worksheet simultaneously. For example, to view multiple sheets in the active workbook, follow these steps:

In Microsoft Excel 2013 and later versions, when you open multiple workbooks, they all open in the same instance of Excel. However, in some situations, you may want to open each workbook in a new instance, such as:

The engaging team are all working with a minimum of 2, often 3 and up to 4 screens so we have set it up with the intent to use multiple windows within the same instance of Excel (the price of fuel is changed in 1 window and the output changes immediately in another).

I have excel 2010 on a windows 10 computer. When I open multiple excel documents they open in the same excel box, I can switch between them easily through the taskbar, but selecting one replaces the other.

I want to be able to view them side by side in multiple excel windows. I can workaround it by opening a document, then opening excel from the shortcut to a blank document, then dragging my file open in there. But I would like it so that it automatically opens all new excel files in new excel work spaces

The solution is to find the real location of the Personal.xlsb file so you can delete it. To do that, open excel and switch to the Personal.xlsb file. Now select the "File" tab on the top left which will load an "Info" page. On the right side of the information on that page there is information such as "Properties, Related Dates, Related People, and Related Documents." Directly under Related Documents is a hyperlink that says "Open File Location." Click this hyperlink and excel will open the true location of the Personal.xlsb file regardless of where your particular installation has placed it.

I had the same problem because I had created macros, which saves in PERSONAL.xlsb located in C:\Users\ username \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTARTYou can just open from this location go to the View tab and select Hide. From now on when you open a file this will no longer open as well, but will still allow use of, for example, macros created that you'd want to use in multiple files.Now that I have seen the solution to the problem I recall having unhidden this PERSONAL workbook that gets created, just cannot recall as to why I would have done it.

When working with Excel, there are many scenarios where you might want to open multiple instances. One of the main reasons is to boost your productivity. If you have a large and complex spreadsheet, it can take time to process, and your Excel application might slow down. Opening multiple instances will let you work in one instance, while the other one is performing the calculations in the background.

For those who prefer a more customized approach, VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) can be a valuable tool. To create a VBA script that opens multiple workbooks in separate windows, follow these steps: be457b7860

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