Seminar on Heterosocial Systems

Aiming for better progress of society composed of different kinds of elements, people, etc., we organize seminars by inviting experts mainly from the following fields:


・Multi-agent systems

・Other science fields on social phenomena

・Applied physics, mathematics, and data science


Seminar Information

Date: Tuesday, Sep. 19, 2023

Time: 14:50-15:50 (JST)

Speaker: Dr. Xiaolu Jia (Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo)

Title: Exploring heterogeneous pedestrian flow with an obstacle: the gap between physical and psychological congestion

Abstract:  Concerning the frequent crowd accidents and daily congestion nowadays, pedestrian dynamics have become more significant in building a safer and more comfortable living environment. Dr. Xiaolu Jia, now a project assistant professor at the University of Tokyo, is now involved in a project on the management of heterogeneous pedestrians. Starting from the introduction of the project, she will introduce the research backgrounds of pedestrian dynamics, and finally present her research on the influence of the obstacle on pedestrians. In the research about the obstacle, the influencing mechanism of the obstacle on egress efficiency is discussed, and the gap between physical and psychological congestion of pedestrians is found. Her research is expected to contribute to the design of pedestrian-friendly environments and the effective management of pedestrian traffic. 

Venue: Zoom / West-5, 101, The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan

Registration form:

Registration deadline: Sep. 18,  2023. JST

Organizer & Sponser

This seminar is organized by Nagahama Lab., The Unversity of Electro-Communications, Tokyo.

The seminar is partly supported by JPSP KAKENHI  23K13512.