
On the Corporate Tax Reform: Coordination and Trade-offs, Journal of Macroeconomics, v. 62, p.103156, December 2019. [Paper]

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) : A Quantitative Evaluation of Key Provisions, Review of Economic Dynamics, v. 46 October 2022. [Paper]

Consumer Demand and Credit Supply as Barriers to Growth for Black-Owned Startups, joint with Eugene Tan,  Journal of Monetary Economics , v.143 April 2024.  [Paper]

Working papers

Optimal Business Income Taxation in Presence of Income Reclassification [April 2024]

This paper studies optimal business income taxation in a life cycle model of entrepreneurship with income reclassification opportunities. Accounting practices involving reclassification to avoid self-employment tax induce 2.5 percentage point increase in the degree of progressivity. Switching from the current U.S. statutory progressive tax, where labor income and entrepreneurial income are taxed alike, toward a separate nonlinear tax system calls for higher progressivity for entrepreneurs than for workers. The tax progressivity gap between the two occupations anticipates the forgone tax revenue due to the income reclassification margin. This margin reduces the progressivity gap, which is 12.5 percentage points and 20 percentage points  with and without avoidance, respectively. Consequently, an occupation-based tax regime is more desirable as it induces less inefficiency and more welfare gains.

Work in progress

Accounting for Racial Wealth Disparities in the U.S (with Illenin O. Kondo, Samuel L. Myers, Jr. and William A. Darity, Jr.)

Public Support for Publicly Supplied Health Insurance in Aging Populations (with Katerina Koka) 

Home Production and the assignment of workers to occupations (with Jonathan Créchet)

Other Publications 

Racial Wealth Disparities in Older Age and Social Security Program Participation [December 2023] (with Illenin O. Kondo, Samuel L. Myers, Jr. and William A. Darity, Jr.)