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Banque de France Blog Posts

“A clear and symmetric 2% inflation target for the ECB” with Martina Cecioni, Günter Coenen, Rafael Gerke, Roberto Motto, Adrian Penalver, Blog post #240, 11/2021

​“Understanding the expansion of central banks’ balance sheets” with Emmanuel Cerclé and Michaël Monot, Blog post #209, 3/2021

​“The end of net asset purchases does not put a stop to quantitative easing.” with Jean Dalbard and Raphaël Vives, 12/2018

​“Are markets signalling that the risk of deflation is over?” with Imène Rahmouni Rousseau, 5/7/2017

​“What would be wrong with lowering the inflation target” with Philippe Andrade, and Julien Matheron, 19/12/2017