Resources for Positive People


Here are some invaluable resources that explore - among other things - the differences between HSV-1 and HSV-2, viral shedding and transmission rates, and the ethics of disclosure.

The Updated Herpes Handbook

The Straight Dope on Herpes Statistics

  • "Around 75% of Americans carry HSV 1 or HSV 2 somewhere on their body. That virus can (but may not) be transmitted to any surface of someone else’s body, via physical contact. If it does transmit, there’s an ~80% chance that they won’t recognize any symptoms from the infection. However they, too, will retain the virus for life and be contagious."

PODCAST: Something Positive for Positive People

  • "It made me feel worthy of looking for relationships again! And what's more, it's taught me so much about good, healthy relationships. Before my diagnosis and listening to SPFPP, I just sort of fell into whatever romantic entanglement came my way, usually for something to do. Now I am intentional with my romantic relationships, and happily with someone amazing! So much of where I am today is because of the podcast. I went in looking for some kind of anchor to keep me from sinking after my diagnosis, and instead of just making me feel better it helped me to grow as a person. Can't say enough about such a thoughtful, meaningful podcast that is so much more than STD/STI education - it's how to do better by yourself and others, to be a good human and know how to enjoy a sexy good time <3"

How Herpes Got its Stigma

  • "For anyone in the twenty first century it is hard to believe that there was a time when ‘herpes’ was not a stigmatised and feared condition. But this is true. Less than forty years ago genital herpes was largely ignored. Newly diagnosed patients were not made to feel that a common skin condition had just ended their chance of having future relationships. Doctors knew that they were simply dealing with the manifestation of the common facial cold sore on a different site and they treated it appropriately. In the early 1980s things changed. How and why did this happen?"

SLATE: How Herpes Became a Sexual Bogeyman

  • "This points to the medical reality of genital herpes: It is, for the vast majority of people, no big deal. Along with the 11.9 percent with HSV-2, 47.8 percent of Americans in the 14-to-49 age range carry HSV-1, or “oral herpes,” which generally causes cold sores around the mouth but can also cause genital herpes. If you’ve had chickenpox, shingles, or mononucleosis, you’ve also been infected by another virus in the herpes family. For the people who do have symptoms from genital herpes, they’re generally no worse than, well, cold sores, only they’re not on your face."

Interesting and Comprehensive Hairpin Article that Discusses Disclosure of GHSV-1

  • Herpes expert Dr. Leone (UNC School of Medicine) states: “I’ll be honest with you,” he continued, “I even question whether or not you need to disclose that you have genital HSV-1 to someone. If you’re not having an outbreak [of genital HSV-1], you’re probably not shedding, and you’re not going to be transmitting it to somebody else. And we don’t think that genital-to-genital transmissions are very common, so why are we telling folks to disclose? You may feel obligated and think that ethically, it’s something you should do. I would encourage you to do it if you feel that way. But from a biological standpoint, I’m not really sure we can make any recommendations around your need to disclose.”

My Partner has Herpes: What Can I do to Prevent Transmission?

  • Examines the effectiveness of daily suppressive therapy with Valacyclovir in reducing the risk of transmission of GHSV-2 by around 50%.


Viral Shedding Rates

Transmission Rates

Condom Use


Reddid's r/herpes sub is an awesome, supportive community. Below are four informative threads.

Differences Between HSV-1 and HSV-2

Underscoring why GHSV-1 is not a big deal

Intimacy and GHSV-1

A Guide to Dating with Herpes

Perspective on Living with GHSV-1

And here are some threads that should bring a smile to your face!

Thank You - a letter from someone HSV-positive to her HSV-negative partner

Keep Calm and Get Laid

Funny Tinder Story

First Disclosure Went Perfectly

First Disclosure: GHSV-2

My Guy Disclosed and I was Surprised I didn't Care in the Slightest

I'm Glad I Have Herpes

Herpes Makes Life My Better