Refined yet of elegant simplicity, the Black Prince sword is in a class by itself. Light, responsive and classically styled, the Black Prince sword delivers what it was designed to do ! Backed by our commitment and reputation for forging some of the most durable swords in the industry, the black prince sword is faithfully crafted from the original and stands as a legacy to the perfection of sword making at the crowning of the 14th century.

Edward of Woodstock (1330-1376 CE), better known as the Black Prince after his distinctive armour or martial reputation, was the eldest son of Edward III of England (r. 1327-1377 CE). Made the Prince of Wales in 1343 CE, Edward would fight with distinction at both of England's great victories against the French during the first phase of the Hundred Years' War (1337-1453 CE): Crcy in 1346 CE and Poitiers in 1356 CE when he captured the king of France. Another famous victory would come at Najera in Spain in 1367 CE, but illness struck the prince down before he could be crowned the great king everyone hoped he would become. Edward died, probably of dysentery, on 8 June 1376 CE. He was buried in Canterbury Cathedral where his effigy and original black helmet and shield are still hung on display.

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Edward was born on 15 June 1330 CE in Woodstock near Oxford, the eldest son of Edward III of England and Philippa of Hainault (c. 1314-1369 CE). The prince received his first suit of armour aged just seven and he would indeed turn out to be one of the greatest warriors England ever produced. Around the same time, in March 1337 CE, King Edward ensured his son would have sufficient funds by granting him revenue from the newly created Duchy of Cornwall. If a future monarch did not have a son, then the revenue from the duchy reverted to the Crown. Consequently, Prince Edward was now made the Duke of Cornwall, which went with his other title, Earl of Chester. In 1343 CE Edward was made the Prince of Wales, too.

As for his other more famous name, it was not until the 16th century CE that Edward became known as the 'Black Prince', most likely because of his distinctive black armour and/or jousting shield. His tournament helmet hung above his tomb is black with a large moulded leather lion (or leopard) on top of it. His nickname, however, may have been given to him by the French for his martial reputation and the terrible scorched-earth strategy he repeatedly used against them. Another of the Black Prince's emblems was three white ostrich feathers set against a black background, and still today, the ostrich feathers are used as the symbol of the Prince of Wales.

Helmet & Shield of Edward the Black PrinceArthur Charles Fox-Davies (Public Domain){"@context":" ","@id":" --shield-of-edward-the-black-prince/#imageobject","@type":"ImageObject","acquireLicensePage":" --shield-of-edward-the-black-prince/","caption":"The tournament helmet and shield of Edward the Black Prince (1330-1376 CE) now held in Canterbury Cathedral.","contentUrl":" ","copyrightNotice":"Arthur Charles Fox-Davies - Public Domain - This item is in the public domain, and can be used, copied, and modified without any restrictions.","creator":{"@type":"Person","name":"Arthur Charles Fox-Davies"},"creditText":"Arthur Charles Fox-Davies / Wikipedia","dateModified":"2024-04-15T12:26:43+0000","datePublished":"2020-01-15T16:20:47+0000","encodingFormat":"image/png","headline":"Helmet & Shield of Edward the Black Prince","height":2070,"isAccessibleForFree":true,"isBasedOn":{"@type":"CreativeWork","url":" :Complete_Guide_to_Heraldry_Fig271.png"},"isFamilyFriendly":true,"isPartOf":" ","license":" _domain","mainEntityOfPage":" --shield-of-edward-the-black-prince/","publisher":" ","representativeOfPage":false,"url":" --shield-of-edward-the-black-prince/","width":1218}

The Black Prince seems to have enjoyed the pomp and ceremony of medieval tournaments just as much as his father and he participated in the great 15-day tournament of 1344 CE at Windsor Castle. The prince was also a founder member of his father's new and exclusive knight's club and epitome of medieval chivalry, the Order of the Garter (c. 1348 CE). This order, England's oldest and still most prestigious, was created with only 24 chosen knights plus the king and the Black Prince. All of its first members had fought at the Battle of Crcy; these were men of valour not just rank. The symbol of this order is a garter (then worn on the upper arm or upper leg over armour) and its motto is Honi soit, qui mal y pense or 'Evil be on him who thinks it', most likely a reference to anyone who doubted the king's right, as he saw it, to rule France. It is no coincidence that the garter also had the royal colours of France - gold and blue.

Edward the Black Prince as a Knight of the GarterUnknown Artist (Public Domain){"@context":" ","@id":" -the-black-prince-as-a-knight-of-the-garter/#imageobject","@type":"ImageObject","acquireLicensePage":" -the-black-prince-as-a-knight-of-the-garter/","caption":"A mid-15th century CE illustration of Edward the Black Prince (1330-1376 CE) dressed as a knight of the Order of the Garter. From the Garter Book by William Bruge. (British Library, London)","contentUrl":" ","copyrightNotice":"Unknown Artist - Public Domain - This item is in the public domain, and can be used, copied, and modified without any restrictions.","creator":{"@type":"Person","name":"Unknown Artist"},"creditText":"Unknown Artist / Wikipedia","dateModified":"2024-04-15T12:26:43+0000","datePublished":"2020-01-15T16:31:05+0000","encodingFormat":"image/jpeg","headline":"Edward the Black Prince as a Knight of the Garter","height":774,"isAccessibleForFree":true,"isBasedOn":{"@type":"CreativeWork","url":" :Cernoch.jpg"},"isFamilyFriendly":true,"isPartOf":" ","license":" _domain","mainEntityOfPage":" -the-black-prince-as-a-knight-of-the-garter/","publisher":" ","representativeOfPage":false,"url":" -the-black-prince-as-a-knight-of-the-garter/","width":557}

Again the French outnumbered their opponents (35,000 v. 7,000) and again muddled leadership and an outdated reliance on heavy cavalry and crossbows annulled their advantage. Once more the French could not find an answer to the range, power and accuracy of the English longbow. Around 2,000 French knights, including King John himself, were captured, providing a huge potential for cash ransoms. The Black Prince won further distinction for his chivalrous treatment of his royal prisoner who was escorted by Edward to England where he would have to wait four long years for his release. The prince gained a reputation for largesse amongst his own loyal followers, too, one of the key qualities of a noble knight, by distributing gold and titles to his commanders as well as donating handsomely to churches such as Canterbury Cathedral.

Edward III & Edward the Black PrinceUnknown Artist (Public Domain){"@context":" ","@id":" -iii--edward-the-black-prince/#imageobject","@type":"ImageObject","acquireLicensePage":" -iii--edward-the-black-prince/","caption":"A c. 1390 CE manuscript illustration showing Edward III of England presenting his son Edward the Black Prince with the title of Prince of Aquitaine, an act made in 1362 CE. (British Library, London)","contentUrl":" ","copyrightNotice":"Unknown Artist - Public Domain - This item is in the public domain, and can be used, copied, and modified without any restrictions.","creator":{"@type":"Person","name":"Unknown Artist"},"creditText":"Unknown Artist / Wikipedia","dateModified":"2024-04-15T12:26:43+0000","datePublished":"2020-01-15T16:37:20+0000","encodingFormat":"image/jpeg","headline":"Edward III & Edward the Black Prince","height":889,"isAccessibleForFree":true,"isBasedOn":{"@type":"CreativeWork","url":" :Edward_III_Black_Prince_14thc.jpg"},"isFamilyFriendly":true,"isPartOf":" ","license":" _domain","mainEntityOfPage":" -iii--edward-the-black-prince/","publisher":" ","representativeOfPage":false,"url":" -iii--edward-the-black-prince/","width":771}

Signet Ring of Edward the Black PrinceJastrow (Public Domain){"@context":" ","@id":" -ring-of-edward-the-black-prince/#imageobject","@type":"ImageObject","acquireLicensePage":" -ring-of-edward-the-black-prince/","caption":"The gold and ruby signet ring of Edward the Black Prince (1330-1376).\r\n\r\nLouvre Museum, Paris.","contentUrl":" ","copyrightNotice":"Jastrow - Public Domain - This item is in the public domain, and can be used, copied, and modified without any restrictions.","creator":{"@type":"Person","name":"Jastrow"},"creditText":"Jastrow / Wikipedia","dateModified":"2024-04-15T12:26:43+0000","datePublished":"2020-01-15T16:24:31+0000","encodingFormat":"image/jpeg","headline":"Signet Ring of Edward the Black Prince","height":610,"isAccessibleForFree":true,"isBasedOn":{"@type":"CreativeWork","url":" :Signet-ring_Black_Prince_Louvre_OA9597.jpg"},"isFamilyFriendly":true,"isPartOf":" ","license":" _domain","mainEntityOfPage":" -ring-of-edward-the-black-prince/","publisher":" ","representativeOfPage":false,"url":" -ring-of-edward-the-black-prince/","width":580}

Prince Edward was 46 when he died on 8 June 1376 CE, probably of dysentery, and a nation mourned. Edward's tomb, as he had wished, lies in Canterbury Cathedral where the prince's black helmet, shield, and gauntlets were originally hung above it. The gilded copper effigy of the prince shows him in full armour and wearing the quartered coat of arms of his father, which mixed the lions of the Plantagenets with the fleur-de-lis of the French crown, symbolic of the English claim to France which the prince had done so much to try and make a reality. The Black Prince's son Richard would be selected by parliament as Edward III's official heir, and he was crowned Richard II of England on 16 July 1377 CE at Westminster Abbey. The Black Prince left his son and all others who followed a warning in the form of a French poem he insisted was inscribed around his tomb at Canterbury:

Echeveria Black Prince is one of the most impressive succulents due to its mysterious-looking color and unique appearance. Belonging to the Crassulaceae family, this popular plant is a hybrid Echeveria and is often referred to as 'Black Hens and Chicks' or 'Black Echeveria.' Its dark, almost black leaves, with a velvety texture, come in shades ranging from deep purple to dark brownish-black, occasionally displaying a hint of green or reddish tones when exposed to sunlight. 589ccfa754

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