
In August 2016, the HBS Workshop studied mints.

Members collected mints both wild and cultivated and sat down to study the features that are key to determining the different species. Some members had "volunteered" (Jean had sorted this) to lead the study of a particular feature.

A month later, Claire and Mark Kitchen led an outing in the Forest of Dean exploring sites where they knew a variety of mints would be present.

Photo: Cherry Greenway

In April 2016, large patches of Stellaria nemorum were found near Ballingham. A small piece was grown on to flowering, and determined as ssp. nemorum.

Photos: Jean Wynne-Jones

In June 2016, HBS explored the area around Checkley common. Lunch stop was near a grove of Black Poplars, and then on through blossoming orchards.

Photo: Suzanne Noble