Sliding Scale Info

Please read the general guidelines below to see which level best describes your situation for the Herbal Self-Care workshop. The sliding scale for individual classes ranges between $50 and $85; the sliding scale for 8 months of classes ranges between $300-$510.  

The highest cost

This cost reflects the true cost of each class. People who fall into this category have financial security, own property, or have savings. If you can provide for your needs and wants without stressing about lacking money to pay for food, shelter, childcare, housing, and you do not live paycheck to paycheck. If this description sounds like you, this is the price for you.

Cost: $85, $510

->$5 per ticket will be donated towards the scholarship fund<-

The middle cost

This category is for people who do not find themselves to fit in either the Highest Cost or Bottom Cost category. People who fall in this category sometimes struggle to provide for their needs and may live occasionally from paycheck to paycheck.

Cost: $73, $438

The bottom cost

If you struggle to meet basic needs such as access to health care, food, housing, childcare and are living paycheck to paycheck this level is for you.

Cost: $50, $300

Scholarship fund

If you have any questions about it, email us at

The sliding scale descriptions above were inspired by the work of Worts & Cunning ApothecaryOur Woodlands, Herbalista and Fleur+Forage.