Natural Remedies for Polycystic Kidney Disease Shrink the Cysts

Natural Remedies for Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic Kidney Disease is a genetic disease. This means that it is caused by a problem with your genes. Polycystic Kidney Disease causes cysts to grow inside the kidneys. These cysts make the kidneys much larger than they should be and damage the tissue that the kidneys are made of. There is no permanent treatment for kidney failure; only ways to aid manage symptoms caused by failing kidneys and to keep a person as healthy as possible. If medical treatments do not work and medicinal intervention is required, there are a few treatment options for kidney cysts. Usually, you don’t have to worry too much about kidney cysts unless they begin to irritate you. There are Natural Remedies for Polycystic Kidney Disease which you can partake in to naturally treat the kidney cyst. Natural remedies for polycystic kidney disease are also herbal treatment option as a means to remove the cyst; however, if you are not experiencing symptoms, a kidney cyst usually doesn’t require any treatment.

Herbal Remedies for Polycystic Kidney Disease

Natural remedies for polycystic kidney disease and herbal treatment work well to improve kidney function, but make sure to consult your doctor before beginning any treatment. Some of the following have proved effective against kidney diseases. Polycystic Kidney Disease Herbal Treatment and natural remedies help alleviate symptoms of the chronic kidney disease. Natural remedies for polycystic kidney disease usually include herbs and healthy diet.


Generally considered a weed, dandelion has a long history in American medicine. Its roots and leaves when boiled help treat kidney diseases. Furthermore, the herb also helps stop the condition owing to its diuretic properties.

Uva Ursi

Uva ursi is usually implied as rock berry or bearberry and is one more of the home developed based natural remedies for polycystic kidney disease. This herb has been used for quite a while to treat urinary tract infections. This is wonderfully huge in light of the fact that patients with polycystic kidney disease may in like manner experience the evil impacts of urinary tract infections, and the antibacterial components of uva ursi make it practical as an Herbal Treatment for Polycystic Kidney Disease.

Urinary tract pollutions can spread to the kidney growths that are the reason treating the urinary tract disease; will keep the change of polycystic kidney disease.

Lemon Oil and Helichrysum Oil

Can lessen the risk of kidney stones by supporting the kidneys and liver in detoxification. Put two drops of natural oils like lemon, lime, wild orange or grapefruit in your water two times daily. With helichrysum oil, rub topically over lower abdomen two times daily.

Baking Soda

According to British researchers, baking soda slows the progression of chronic kidney disease. It neutralises the acidity in the blood, which is a major contributing factor in kidney problems.

Apple Cider Vinegar

An effective remedy to help break down kidney stones, apple cider vinegar boosts kidney function. It is known to disintegrating the calculi formed by calcium in the kidneys. Also, the antibacterial aspect of apple cider vinegar helps stop bacterial infections.

Eat Balanced and Healthy Diet

Given the current obesity epidemic that is prevalent in all developed countries. A healthy diet can help control your weight, which helps to lessen your blood pressure and risk of cardiovascular disease. The following provides a simple conceptual outline for a balanced and healthy diet:

Tips for a healthy diet:

High fiber: Include fresh vegetables and nuts, legumes, whole grains, fruits.

Carbohydrates: Minimize intake of bread and pasta. About 50% of everyday calories should come from carbs. Try to avoid Fast carbs (sugar) and include slow carbs (pasta).

Protein: Include red meats in moderation.

Processed foods: Avoid processed food and sugary drinks with fructose syrup.

Portion size: Reduction food portion size if you are overweight.

Fat: Moderate intake may actually lessening hunger drive use olive oil in salad dressing to increase fat intake Healthy types of fatty acids include cold water fish (halibut, salmon, flounder, cod), walnuts, flax seed these are high in phosphorus, remember diet may need to be adjusted once you reach Pro.

Changing your Diet

This may help to manage some symptoms. Dietary changes can include reducing salt, protein, cholesterol fats and caffeine. Dietary changes should be made only after discussion with your doctor or dietitian and will depend on your test results

If you have reasonable to advanced kidney failure, additional modification of the above will be required and consultation with your doctor and a dietitian experienced with kidney disease is suggested.


If you have Polycystic Kidney Disease, you may be able to keep your kidneys working longer by following a healthy lifestyle. Some tips for living healthy include:

  • Limit alcohol.
  • Keep a healthy blood sugar level.
  • Keep a healthy blood pressure.
  • Follow a low-salt, low-fat diet.
  • Keep a healthy weight.
  • Workout for at least 30 minutes a day, most days of the week.
  • Take all prescription medications as your doctor tells you to.
  • Do not smoke or use any tobacco product. If you smoke or use tobacco, quit now.
  • Do not take more than the recommended dose of over-the-counter medications.

As simple as it sounds, this natural remedies for polycystic kidney disease has really helped a few encountering PKD about-face to a customary and dynamic life. It is a completely safe plant based eating routine for the insurance of the kidneys that goes this way. The natural herbal treatment is herbal products, it can help treat the kidney cysts naturally and they have no side effects, improve the kidney work naturally. For whatever length of time that the kidney growths can be controlled, every one of the side effects and complications can be controlled. Herbal Care Products offered “POLCICAL” an herbal product will also in improving urinary tract infections by destroying the bacteria known to cause them.