HBV Cure

Hepatitis B

Do you know that you have an incredible chemical factory inside your body? A chemical factory produces useful chemicals, replenishes old chemicals in new ones, filters and removes harmful chemicals from the body. We call this chemical factory Courage, Called Hepatitis B

  • It inhibits DNA polymerase, an enzyme needed for the hepatitis B virus to reproduce.

  • To protect Hepato, detoxify the liver from the harmful effects of daily contact with airborne water and food poisoning.

  • Inhibition of DNA polymerase virus Hepatitis B virus and activity that increases the virus.

  • It relieves congestion and stress conditions of the liver and regulates gallstones.

  • It speeds up protein synthesis, thereby stimulating cell regeneration.

  • It prevents liver cell damage and improves the production of antibodies.

  • Tones up the functions of vital organs.

  • Reduce the development of diseases.

  • Reduce and eliminate the risk of opportunistic infections.

  • It is rarely resistant to many drugs.

  • It is safe and free of side effects and contraindications.

  • Completely free from any harmful ingredients such as lead or steroid.

  • The patient's immune system, energy and vitality are restored to enable us to live a healthy life.

HOO-IMM PLUS in combination with HOOPATIN works on our pioneering principle:-

  • Prevents viral replication and DNA polymerase virus Hepatitis B virus.

  • Immuno Restorative & Hepato Protectors

  • Treatment And Prophylaxis For Inactive Diseases.

  • Encourage and maintain physical activity in the body.

Cure From Hepatitis B

Hootone Remedies an Indian Company got a cure for HBV(Hepatitis B Virus) Hoo-Imm Plus Combination with Hoo-patin Can Cure Hepatitis B Virus....


Prevent From Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a more virulent virus than HIV. Infection causes liver damage and has the potential to lead to liver failure and cancer later in life. A few points to prevent Hepatitis B


Anti Hepatitis B Drug

HOO-IMM PLUS & HOOPATIN (Anti-Hepatitis B)HOO-IMM PLUS (A, B, C, D) has teamed up with completely new HOOPATIN, novel, pioneering and transforming ideas from HOOTONE REMEDIES to medical science.


Clinical trials of the drug have revealed the following improvements in patients:-

A 7-8 dose decrease in HBV / HCV virus count within 5-6 weeks of treatment.

The viral load decreased below the available range (> 100) within 5-7 months of treatment.

Gains 4-6 pounds in weight in 2-4 months.

Relief from HBV / HCV symptoms.

Prophylactic to combat opportunistic infections.

Patient treatment for 6-8 months had a negative HCV record with the HCV DNA PCR Antigen Test.