
Current Projects

Cultures of Honor

The need to maintain one's reputation is a universal motivation across all human groups. However, cultures differ in the extent to which reputation management is central to life's motivation. I currently study cultures of honor, which are characterized by an emphasis on the importance of others’ respect in the individual’s sense of worth. A key element of societies or groups described as “honor cultures” is the importance of reciprocity:  both insults and favors must be repaid, and dishonor follows the person who fails to do so. Cultures of honor are found in southern U.S. states, Latinx societies, and Mediterranean societies. 

I am interested in expanding research on honor cultures to Latin America and other non-U.S. contexts. 

Close Relationships

Humans are inherently social beings. Close relationships, such as friendships and romantic relationships are essential connections that guide much of our behavior.  

I am interested in better understanding how culture can shape relationship processes. Currently, I am taking a cultural psychological approach to better understand the experience of secrets.