Publications of Henri Bouma
This homepage of Henri Bouma gives an overview of his publications in the field of document authentication, person re-identification, abnormal behaviour detection, security and privacy-enhancing technology.
Curriculum Vitae: Henri BoumaÂ
Featured publications
- Document authentication:
- Re-identification:
- Privacy + Security:Â
Publications by year
Muriel van der Spek, Arthur van Rooijen, Henri Bouma,
Sabina B. van Rooij, Muriel van der Spek, Arthur van Rooijen, Henri Bouma,
Privacy-preserving federated learning with various computer-vision tasks for security applications, Proc. SPIE, vol. 12742, (2023).
Stefanos Demertzis, Sabina B. van Rooij, Michalis Lazaridis, Henri Bouma, Manuel Alvarez Fernandez, Johan-Martijn ten Hove, Rodrigo Sainz Mendez, Petros Daras,
One-shot logo detection for large video datasets and live camera surveillance in criminal investigations, Proc. SPIE, vol. 12742, (2023).
Maria Luisa Villani, Antonio De Nicola, Henri Bouma, Arthur van Rooijen, Pauli Räsänen, Johannes Peltola, Sirra Toivonen, Massimiliano Guarneri, Cristiano Stifini, Luigi De Dominicis,
A modular architecture of command-and-control software in multi-sensor systems devoted to public security, Information 14(3):162, (2023).
Henri Bouma, Maria Luisa Villani, Arthur van Rooijen, Pauli Räsänen, Johannes Peltola, Sirra Toivonen, Antonio De Nicola, Massimiliano Guarneri, Cristiano Stifini, Luigi De Dominicis,
An integrated fusion engine for early threat detection demonstrated in public-space trials, Sensors 23(1):440, (2023).
Mario van Rooij, Sabina van Rooij, Henri Bouma, Andy Pimentel,
Secure sparse gradient aggregation in distributed architectures, IEEE IOTSMS, (2022).
Henri Bouma, Jelle Van Mil, Johan-Martijn ten Hove, Raimon Pruim, Arthur van Rooijen, Alexander Kern, Luca Ballan, Ben Kromhout, Dominic Wolbers, Hans de Moel, Niels Dolstra, Gerton Bomhof, Demi de Rooij,
Combatting fraud on travel, identity and breeder documents, Proc. SPIE, vol. 12275, (2022).
Arthur van Rooijen, Henri Bouma, Jan Baan, Martin van Leeuwen,
Rapid person re-identification retraining strategy for flexible deployment in new environments, Proc. SPIE, vol. 12275, (2022).
Sabina van Rooij, Henri Bouma, Jelle van Mil, Johan-Martijn ten Hove,
Federated tool for anonymization and annotation in image data, Proc. SPIE, vol. 12275, (2022).
Henri Bouma, Armin Reuter, Patrick Brouwer, Martin George, James Ferryman, Jonathan Boyle, Alfonsas Juršėnas, Anni Karinsalo, Raimon Pruim, Arthur van Rooijen, Johan-Martijn ten Hove, Jelle van Mil, Damjan Gicic, Gabriel Goller, Eimantas Ledinauskas, Julius Ruseckas, Ben Kromhout, Hans de Moel, Niels Dolstra,
Authentication of travel and breeder documents, Proc. SPIE, vol. 11869, (2021).
Luigi De Dominicis, Henri Bouma, Sirra Toivonen, Cristiano Stifini, Maria Luisa Villani, Antonio De Nicola, Arthur van Rooijen, Jan Baan, Johannes Peltola, Arttu Lamsa, Pauli Rasanen,
Video-based fusion of multiple detectors to counter terrorism, Proc. SPIE, vol. 11869, (2021).
Beerend Gerats, Henri Bouma, Wouter Uijens, Gwenn Englebienne, and Luuk Spreeuwers,
Individual action and group activity recognition in soccer videos from a static panoramic camera, Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition Application and Methods ICPRAM, (2021).
Minh Le Ngo, Wei Wang, Burak Mandira, Sezer Karaoglu, Henri Bouma, Hamdi Dibeklioglu, Theo Gevers,
Identity Unbiased Deception Detection by 2D-to-3D Face Reconstruction, IEEE Winter Conf. Applications of Computer Vision WACV, (2021).
Henri Bouma, Raimon Pruim, Arthur Van Rooijen, Johan-Martijn Ten Hove, Jelle Van Mil, Ben Kromhout,
Document anonymization for border guards and immigration services, Proc. SPIE, vol. 11542, (2020).
Arthur Van Rooijen, Henri Bouma, Raimon Pruim, Jan Baan, Wouter Uijens, Jelle Van Mil,
Anonymized person re-identification in surveillance cameras, Proc. SPIE, vol. 11542, (2020).
Efklidis Katsaros, Henri Bouma, Arthur van Rooijen, Elise Dusseldorp,
A Triplet-Learnt Coarse-to-Fine Reranking for Vehicle Re-identification, Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition Application and Methods ICPRAM, (2020).
Riske Meijer, Esra van Dam, Henri Bouma, Jan Baan, Sander E. van der Hurk,
Measurement method for objective cyclist behavior parameters, Traffic Injury Prevention TIP, (2020).
Chris Lloyd, Tommaso Mannucci, Henri Bouma, Klamer Schutte, Albert G. Huizing,
A utility-driven surveillance approach to trade-off security and privacy, SPIE vol. 11166, (2019).
Guus Beckers, Joris Sijs, Jurriaan van Diggelen, Roelof van Dijk, Henri Bouma, Mathijs Lomme, Rutger Hommes, Fieke Hillerstrom, Jasper van der Waa, Anna van Velsen, Tommaso Mannucci, Jeroen Voogd, Wessel van Staal, Kim Veltman, Peter Wessels, Albert Huizing
Intelligent autonomous vehicles with an extendable knowledge base and meaningful human control, SPIE vol. 11166, (2019).
Maaike de Boer, Henri Bouma, Maarten Kruithof, Bart Joosten,
Rapid annotation tool to train novel concept detectors with active learning, Int. Conf. on Advances in Multimedia MMEDIA, (2019).
Minh Ngo, Burak Mandira, Selim Firat Yilmaz, Ward Heij, Sezer Karaoglu, Henri Bouma, Hamdi Dibeklioglu, Theo Gevers,
Deception detection by 2D-to-3D face reconstruction from videos, arXiv:1812.10558, (2018).
Arthur van Rooijen, Henri Bouma, Fons Verbeek,
Fast and accurate person re-identification with Xception Conv-Net and C2F, IberoAmerican Congress on Pattern Recognition CIARP, (2018).
Henri Bouma, Bart Joosten, Maarten Kruithof, Maaike de Boer, Alexandru Ginsca, Benjamin Labbe, Quoc T. Vuong,
Flexible image analysis for law enforcement agencies with deep neural networks to determine: where, who and what, Proc. SPIE, vol. 10802, (2018).
Henri Bouma, Klamer Schutte, Johan-Martijn ten Hove, Gertjan Burghouts, Jan Baan,
R. Meijer, E. van Dam, H. Bouma, J. Baan, S.E. van der Hurk,
Measurement method for objective cyclist behaviour parameters, Int. Cycling Safety Conf. ICSC, (2018).
Yash Satsangi, Shimon Whiteson, Frans A. Oliehoek, Henri Bouma,
Real-time resource allocation for tracking systems, Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence UAI, (2017).
Richard J.M. den Hollander, Henri Bouma, Jeroen H.C. van Rest, Johan-Martijn ten Hove, Frank B. ter Haar, Gertjan J. Burghouts,
Noelle M. Fischer, Maarten C. Kruithof, Henri Bouma,
Optimizing a neural network for detection of moving vehicles in video, Proc. SPIE 10441, (2017).
Maaike H.T. de Boer, Henri Bouma, Maarten C. Kruithof, Frank B. ter Haar, N.M. Fischer, L.K. Hagendoorn, B. Joosten, S.A. Raaijmakers,
Henri Bouma, Gertjan Burghouts, Richard den Hollander, Sophie van der Zee, Jan Baan, Johan-Martijn ten Hove, Sjaak van Diepen, Paul van den Haak, Jeroen van Rest,
Measuring cues for stand-off deception detection based on full-body visual features in body-worn cameras, Proc. SPIE, vol. 9995, 2016.
Maarten C. Kruithof, Henri Bouma, Noelle M. Fischer, Klamer Schutte,
Object recognition using deep convolutional neural networks with complete transfer and partial frozen layers, Proc. SPIE, vol. 9995, 2016.
Klamer Schutte, Gertjan Burghouts, Nanda van der Stap, Victor Westerwoudt, Henri Bouma, Maarten Kruithof, Jan Baan, Johan-Martijn ten Hove,
Henri Bouma, Jeroen van Rest, Kim van Buul-Besseling, Jacomien de Jong, Anton Havekes,
Integrated roadmap for the rapid finding and tracking of people at large airports, Int. Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection IJCIP 12, 61 - 74 (2016).
Sophie van der Zee, Rick van der Kleij, Jeroen van Rest, Henri Bouma,
Ontwikkelingen in leugendetectie, Security Management, (2016).
K. Schutte, H. Bouma, J. Schavemaker, L. Daniele, M. Sappelli, G. Koot, P. Eendebak, G. Azzopardi, M. Spitters, M. de Boer, M. Kruithof, P. Brandt,
Interactive detection of incrementally learned concepts in images with ranking and semantic query interpretation, IEEE Content-Based Multimedia Indexing CBMI, 2015.
Richard J.M. den Hollander, Henri Bouma, Jan Baan, Pieter T. Eendebak, Jeroen H.C. van Rest,
Henri Bouma, Jan Baan, Frank B. ter Haar, Pieter T. Eendebak, Richard J.M. den Hollander, Gertjan J. Burghouts, Remco Wijn, Sebastiaan P. van den Broek, Jeroen H.C. van Rest,
Video content analysis on body-worn cameras for retrospective investigation, Proc. SPIE, vol. 9652, 2015.
Henri Bouma, Pieter T. Eendebak, Klamer Schutte, George Azzopardi, Gertjan J. Burghouts,
Incremental concept learning with few training examples and hierarchical classification, Proc. SPIE, vol. 9652, 2015.
G.J. Burghouts, K. Schutte, R.J-M. ten Hove, S.P. van den Broek, J. Baan, O. Rajadell, J.R. van Huis, J. van Rest, P. Hanckmann, H. Bouma, G. Sanroma, M. Evans, J. Ferryman,
Instantaneous threat detection based on a semantic representation of activities, zones and trajectories, Signal Image and Video Processing SIVP 8(1), 191-200 (2014).
Fokko P. Wieringa, Henri Bouma, Pieter T. Eendebak, Jean-Paul A. van Basten, Harrie P. Beerlage, Geert A.H.J. Smits, Jelte E. Bos,
Improved depth perception with three-dimensional auxiliary display and computer generated three-dimensional panoramic overviews in robot-assisted laparoscopy, Journal of Medical Imaging JMI 1(1), (2014).
Martijn Spitters, Pieter Eendebak, Daniel Worm, Henri Bouma,
Threat detection in tweets with trigger patterns and contextual cues, IEEE Joint Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference JISIC, 216-219 (2014).
Henri Bouma, Jan Baan, Gertjan J. Burghouts, Pieter T. Eendebak, Jasper R. van Huis, Judith Dijk, Jeroen H.C. van Rest,
Automatic detection of suspicious behavior of pickpockets with track-based features in a shopping mall, Proc. SPIE 9253, (2014).
Henri Bouma, Jeroen H.C. van Rest, Gertjan J. Burghouts, Klamer Schutte, Jan Baan,
Automatische gedragsanalyse voor effectiever cameratoezicht in de openbare ruimte, Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid 13(4), 20-34 (2014).
Jan Willem Marck, Henri Bouma, Jan Baan, Julio de Oliveira Filho, Mark van den Brink,
Finding suspects in multiple cameras for improved railway protection, Proc. SPIE 9253, (2014).
Juan Torres, Klamer Schutte, Henri Bouma, Jose M. Menendez,
Linear colour correction for multiple illumination changes and non-overlapping cameras, IET Image Processing IPR 9(4), 280-289 (2015).
Jasper R. van Huis, Henri Bouma, Jan Baan, Gertjan J. Burghouts, Pieter T. Eendebak, Richard J.M. den Hollander, Judith Dijk, Jeroen H.C. van Rest,
Track-based event recognition in a realistic crowded environment, Proc. SPIE 9253, (2014).
Sebastiaan P. van den Broek, Henri Bouma, Richard J.M. den Hollander, Henny E.T. Veerman, Koen W. Benoist, Piet B.W. Schwering,
Ship recognition for improved persistent tracking with descriptor localization and compact representations, Proc. SPIE, vol. 9249, paper 9249-23, (2014).
M. Alamyar, H. Bouma, W.J.H. Goossens, F.P. Wieringa, B.K. Kroon, P.T. Eendebak, C.J. Wijburg, G.A.H.J. Smits,
Use of 3D HD auxiliary monitor by bedside assistant results in shorter console-time and ischemia-time in robot-assisted laparoscopic partial tumor-nephrectomy, European Urology Supplements - EAU Robotic Urology Section ERUS, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 29-30 (2014).
Gertjan Burghouts, Pieter Eendebak, Henri Bouma, Johan-Martijn ten Hove,
Multi-view action recognition using bag-of-words and various fusion schemes, Netherlands Conference on Computer Vision NCCV, (2014).
Sebastiaan P. van den Broek, Henri Bouma, Henny E.T. Veerman, Koen W. Benoist, Richard J.M. den Hollander, Piet B.W. Schwering,
Recognition of ships for long-term tracking, Proc. SPIE vol. 9091, (2014).
Henri Bouma, Jan Baan, Judith Dijk,
Faster finding and tracking of suspects in multiple CCTV cameras, Dutch Soc. Pattern Recognition and Image Processing NVPHBV, (2014).
G.J. Burghouts, K. Schutte, H. Bouma, R.J.M. den Hollander,
Selection of negative samples and two-stage combination of multiple features for action detection in thousands of videos, Machine Vision and Applications MVA 25(1), 85-98 (2014).
Gertjan Burghouts, Pieter Eendebak, Henri Bouma, Johan-Martijn ten Hove,
Improved action recognition by combining multiple 2D views in the Bag-of-Words model, IEEE Int. Conf. Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance AVSS, 250-255 (2013).
Henri Bouma, Gertjan Burghouts, Leo de Penning, Patrick Hanckmann, Johan-Martijn ten Hove, Sanne Korzec, Maarten Kruithof, Sander Landsmeer, Coen van Leeuwen, Sebastiaan van den Broek, Arvid Halma, Richard den Hollander, Klamer Schutte,
Recognition and localization of relevant human behavior in videos, Proc. SPIE, vol. 8711, (2013).
J. van Rest, F.A. Grootjen, M. Grootjen, R. Wijn, O. Aarts, M.L. Roelofs, G.J. Burghouts, H. Bouma, L. Alic, W. Kraaij,
Requirements for multimedia metadata schemes in surveillance applications for security, Multimedia Tools and Applications MTAP, (2013).
H. Bouma, G. Azzopardi, M. Spitters, J. de Wit, C. Versloot, R. van der Zon, P. Eendebak, J. Baan, J.M. ten Hove, A. van Eekeren, F. ter Haar, R. den Hollander, J. van Huis, M. de Boer, G. van Antwerpen, J. Broekhuijsen, L. Daniele, P. Brandt, J. Schavemaker, W. Kraaij, K. Schutte,
TNO at TRECVID 2013: multimedia event detection and instance search, TRECVID, (2013).
Henri Bouma , Rob J. Dekker, Robin M. Schoemaker, Ali A. Mohamoud,
Segmentation and wake removal of seafaring vessels in optical satellite images, Proc. SPIE, vol. 8897, (2013).
Rob Dekker, Henri Bouma, Eric den Breejen, Bert van den Broek, Patrick Hanckmann, Maarten Hogervorst, Ali Mohamoud, Robin Schoemaker, Joris Sijs, Reinier Tan, Alexander Toet, Arthur Smith,
Maritime situation awareness capabilities from satellite and terrestrial sensor systems, Proc. Maritime Systems and Technologies MAST, (2013).
Henri Bouma, Jan Baan, Sander Borsboom, Kasper van Zon, Xinghan Luo, Ben Loke, Bram Stoeller, Hans van Kuilenburg, Judith Dijk,
WPSS: Watching people security services, Proc. SPIE, vol. 8901, (2013).
Henri Bouma, Jack Vogels, Olav Aarts, Chris Kruszynski, Remco Wijn, Gertjan Burghouts,
Behavioral profiling in CCTV cameras by combining multiple subtle suspicious observations of different surveillance operators, Proc. SPIE, vol. 8745, (2013).
Henri Bouma, Jan Baan, Sander Landsmeer, Chris Kruszynski, Gert Van Antwerpen, Judith Dijk,
Real-time tracking and fast retrieval of persons in multiple surveillance cameras of a shopping mall, Proc. SPIE, vol. 8756, (2013).
G.J. Burghouts, L. de Penning, J-M ten Hove, S. Landsmeer, S.P. van den Broek, R. den Hollander, P. Hanckmann, M. Kruithof, C. van Leeuwen, S. Korzec, H. Bouma, K. Schutte,
A search engine for retrieval and inspection of events with 48 human actions in realistic videos, Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods ICPRAM, (2013).
G.J. Burghouts, P. Eendebak, H. Bouma, R.J-M. ten Hove,
Action recognition by layout, selective sampling and soft-assignment, THUMOS Challenge: ICCV Workshop on Action Recognition with Large Number of Classes, (2013).
H. Bouma, O. Rajadell, D. Worm, C. Versloot, H. Wedemeijer,
On the early detection of threats in the real world based on open-source information on the internet, Int. Conf. Information Technologies and Security ITSEC, (2012).
H.L.H. de Penning, R.J.M. den Hollander, H. Bouma, G.J. Burghouts, A.S. d'Avila Garcez,
A neural-symbolic cognitive agent with a Mind's Eye, AAAI Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning NeSy, 2012.
Henri Bouma, Wannes van der Mark, Pieter Eendebak, Sander Landsmeer, Adam van Eekeren, Frank ter Haar, F. Pieter Wieringa, Jean-Paul van Basten,
Streaming video-based 3D reconstruction method compatible with existing monoscopic and stereoscopic endoscopy systems, Proc. SPIE, vol. 8371, 2012.
Henri Bouma, Sander Borsboom, Richard den Hollander, Sander Landsmeer, Marcel Worring,
Re-identification of persons in multi-camera surveillance under varying viewpoints and illumination, Proc. SPIE, vol. 8359, 2012.
Henri Bouma, Stephan Raaijmakers, Arvid Halma, Harry Wedemeijer,
Anomaly detection for internet surveillance, Proc. SPIE, vol. 8408, 2012.
Henri Bouma, Judith Dijk, Adam van Eekeren,
Precise local blur estimation based on the first-order derivative, Proc. SPIE, vol. 8399, 2012.
Henri Bouma, Patrick Hanckmann, Jan-Willem Marck, Leo Penning, Richard den Hollander, Johan-Martijn ten Hove, Sebastiaan P. van den Broek, Klamer Schutte, Gertjan Burghouts,
Automatic human action recognition in a scene from visual inputs, Proc. SPIE, vol. 8388, 2012.
Ninghang Hu, Henri Bouma, Marcel Worring,
Tracking individuals in surveillance video of a high-density crowd, Proc. SPIE, vol. 8399, 2012.
F.P. Wieringa, H. Bouma, H.P. Beerlage,
Driedimensionaal meekijken met de chirurg; Innovaties in 3D-beeldtechniek, OK Operationeel, pp. 18-23, Jan/Feb 2012.
G.J. Burghouts, H. Bouma, R.J.M. den Hollander, S.P. van den Broek, K. Schutte,
Recognition of 48 human behaviors from video, Int. Symp. Optronics in Defence and Security OPTRO, 2012.
F. Wieringa, H. Bouma, P. Eendebak, J.P. van Basten, H.P. Beerlage, G. Smits, R. Schols, L.P.S. Stassen,
Visualization in the operation room; From looking good to looking better, Ann. congress Dutch assoc. endoscopic surgery NVEC, (2012).
Henri Bouma,
Computer vision and pattern recognition for security applications, Lecture for Aviation Security and Technology at HvA Amsterdam, (2012).
Pieter Eendebak, Frank ter Haar, Henri Bouma,
3D reconstruction for medical imaging, Dutch Soc. Pattern Recognition and Image Processing NVPHBV, (2012).
Judith Dijk, Yolanda Rieter-Barrell, Jeroen van Rest, Henri Bouma,
Intelligent Sensor Networks for surveillance, Journal of Police Studies: Technology-Led Policing 3(20), ISBN 9789046604120, 109-125 (2011).
Benoit Quesson, Jan Cees Sabel, Henri Bouma, Rob Dekker, Julien Lengrand-Lambert,
Automatic target recognition in synthetic aperture sonar images for autonomous mine hunting, Europ. Conf. Underwater Acoustics ECUA, 2010.
Richard J.M. den Hollander, Henri Bouma and Sander H. Landsmeer,
System and method for identifying image locations showing the same person in different images, Patent, TNO, The Netherlands, 23 Jul 2010, Patent, no. EP2410467 / EP20100170682 / WO2012011817 / US9275299.
Piet B.W. Schwering, Henk A. Lensen, Sebastiaan P. van den Broek, Richard J.M. den Hollander, Wannes van der Mark, Henri Bouma, Rob A.W. Kemp,
Application of heterogeneous multiple camera system with panoramic capabilities in a harbor environment, Proc. SPIE, vol. 7481, 2009.
Judith Dijk, Piet Bijl, Henri Bouma,
Performance evaluation of image enhancement techniques on a digital image intensifier, Proc. SPIE, vol 7300, 2009.
Sebastiaan P. van den Broek, Henri Bouma, Marianne A.C. Degache, Gertjan Burghouts,
Discrimination of classes of ships for aided recognition in a coastal environment, Proc. SPIE, vol. 7335, 2009. Copyright (c) 2009 SPIE.
Henri Bouma, Dirk-Jan J. de Lange, Sebastiaan P. van den Broek, Rob A. Kemp and Piet B.W. Schwering,
Automatic detection of small surface targets with electro-optical sensors in a harbor environment, Proc. SPIE, vol. 7114, 2008. Copyright (c) 2008 SPIE.
Sebastiaan P. van den Broek, Henri Bouma, Marianne A.C. Degache,
Discriminating small extended targets at sea from clutter and other classes of boats in infrared and visual light imagery, Proc. SPIE, vol. 6969, 2008. Copyright (c) 2008 SPIE.
Henri Bouma, Jeroen J. Sonnemans, Anna Vilanova and Frans A. Gerritsen,
Automatic Detection of Pulmonary Embolism in CTA Images, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging (TMI), vol. 28, no. 8, pp. 1223-1230, Aug. 2009. Copyright (c) 2009 IEEE.
Frans A. Gerritsen, Marieke Heisen, Henri Bouma, Gert Schoonenberg,
Computer-aided diagnosis, European Radiology; IMAGINE, 19(1), pp. 515-520 (D-11), February, 2009.
Henri Bouma,
Vessel-Diameter Quantification and Embolus Detection in CTA Images, Ph.D. thesis, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands, ISBN 978-90-386-1209-6, April 2nd, 2008.
Henri Bouma, Javier Olivan Bescos, Anna Vilanova and Frans A. Gerritsen,
Unbiased vessel-diameter quantification based on the FWHM criterion, Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, Image Processing, vol. 6512, San Diego, USA, Feb. 2007. Copyright (c) 2007 SPIE.
Henri Bouma, Anna Vilanova, Javier Olivan Bescos, Bart M. ter Haar Romeny and Frans A. Gerritsen,
Fast and Accurate Gaussian Derivatives based on B-Splines, Proc. Scale space and variational methods SSVM, LNCS 4485, Ischia, Italy, pp. 406-417, May 2007. Copyright (c) 2007 Springer-Verlag.
C.M. Schaefer-Prokop, O.M. van Delden, H. Bouma, J.J. Sonnemans, F.A. Gerritsen and J.S. Lameris.
To assess the added value of a prototype computer-aided detection (CAD) system for pulmonary embolism (PE) in contrast-enhanced multi-detector computed tomography (CT) images, European Congress of Radiology (ECR), No. B-584, Vienna, Austria, Mar. 2006.
Henri Bouma, Anna Vilanova, Lucas J. van Vliet and Frans A. Gerritsen,
Correction for the Dislocation of Curved Surfaces caused by the PSF in 2D and 3D CT Images, IEEE Trans. of Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), vol. 27, no. 9, pp. 1501-1507, Sept. 2005. Copyright (c) 2005 IEEE.
Henri Bouma, Jeroen Sonnemans, Anna Vilanova and Frans Gerritsen,
Automatic detection and classification of pulmonary-embolism in contrast-enhanced CT images, Dutch Society for Pattern Recognition and Image Processing (NVPHBV) Fall meeting, 2005.
H. Bouma,
Detection of Edges in an Image, Patent, Philips, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 12 Mar. 2004, Eur. Patent, no. 04101027.3 / WO2005091222.
M. Quist, H. Bouma and F.A. Gerritsen,
Computer-aided pulmonary embolism detection on multi-detector CT, European Congress of Radiology (ECR), Mar. 2004.
H. Bouma, A. Vilanova, M.J. Quist and F.A. Gerritsen,
Features for the Automatic Detection of Pulmonary Embolism in Contrast-Enhanced CT Images, Proc. of 10th Conf. of Adv. School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI), Ouddorp, The Netherlands, pp. 269-274, June 2004.
M. Quist, H. Bouma, C. van Kuijk, O.M. van Delden and F.A. Gerritsen,
Computer-Aided Detection of Pulmonary Embolism on Multi-Detector CT, Radialogical Society of North America (RSNA), Nov. 2004.
Paul M. Heysters, Henri Bouma, Jaap Smit, Gerard J.M. Smit and Paul J.M. Havinga;
A reconfigurable function array architecture for 3G and 4G wireless terminals, In: World Wireless Congress, San Francisco, USA. pp. 399-405, 2002. Copyrights (c) 2002 Delson Group Inc.
H. Bouma,
Design and implementation of an FPFA, M.Sc. thesis, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, 2001.
P.M. Heysters, H. Bouma, J. Smit, G.J.M. Smit, P.J.M. Havinga;
Reconfigurable System Design: The Control Part, proc. PROGRESS Embedded Systems, The Netherlands, pp. 89-94, 2001.
A.C. Aarden, E. Blok, H. Bouma and R. Schiphorst;
Leven op silicium, Tech. report BSC-44N97, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, 1997.