Henna (also known as mehndi) is a tropical or shrub called Lawsonia Inermis which has natural dyeing and conditioning properties. The paste made from the dried and powdered leaves of the Henna plant is used in creating intricate ethnic or contemporary designs on various parts of the body. Though traditionally applied to the hands and feet of women, where it long played a significant part in the wedding rituals across cultures, Henna is now becoming a fashion statement in the western culture, as a contemporary tattoo.

We prepare our henna paste with organic, completely natural henna power with no added chemicals. In a matter of 24-60 hours, your stain will appear in shades of reddish-brown, varying from deep/dark red to a dark mahogany-brown. The best thing? There are absolutely no negative reactions when using natural henna! The color of your henna stain depends on several factors: 1.Quality of the henna paste and powder

2. Your body chemistry with henna!

3. Where on the body you put the henna

4. Aftercare.

Henna is a great way to create designs on your skin without the permanent effects of a tattoo. Through this tutorial I will teach you how to make your own henna paste in a fun, easy way. After the henna is made, you can use your own creativity to create absolutely any design you can think of!

Step 1: What You Will Need

What You Will Need

• Fresh henna powder (I found this at a local Indian grocery store)

• Lemon juice

• Sugar

• Essential oils (I used tea tree)

• Non-metal mixing bowl and spoon

• Plastic wrap

• ZipLock bag

• Decorating tip

• Rubbing alcohol

• Olive oil

• Mild soap

• Gloves for handling henna

• Tape

• Scissors

Step 2: Measure Out 1/4 Cup of Sifted Henna Powder Into a Bowl

• Buy henna with a greenish-brown tint

o Too brown=old henna and won’t leave a good stain

o Too green=may have added dye to make it look fresh when it really isn’t

• Store leftover powder in the freezer to stay fresh

• Vary the amount of henna you make to the size of your design

• Sift henna to get rid of chunks that could clog the applicator tip

Step 3: Add ¼ Cup of Lemon Juice While Stirring

If needed add additional lemon juice until the consistency is between toothpaste and pudding

• If substance appears too thick after adding lemon juice, Slowly add additional lemon juice to avoid getting too runny

• Smash all lumps beginning to form while stirring

henna powder

organic henna powder