Awards and Honors

1. Senate commendation letters for excellence in teaching in CE683A course, 2022-23-I semester, and CE789A course, 2022-23-II semester, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur 

2. Best Student Paper Award Finalist, IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems 2019 (for this paper)

3. Purdue Civil Engineering Awards: Essam and Wendy Radwan Graduate Fellowship 2019-20 and STV Civil Engineering Graduate Assistantship Endowment 2018-19

4. Practicum Exchange Program Scholarship 2013, University of New South Wales, Australia

5. Academic Excellence Awards 2012-13 and 2011-12 , Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

6. Merit Scholarship for Professional Studies 2010, Central Board of Secondary Education

7. National Talent Search Examination Scholarship 2008, National Council of Educational Research and Training