Protect Yourself Now

Welcome and we invite you to browse this information, spend some time to learn your rights and use them to protect yourself and your family during this time of rekindled "Reefer Madness" and Jeff Sessions fight to renew the all out war on drugs that we all know is a war on mankind. I spent a week listening to many videos reading many articles and gathering all of these links in hopes of helping protect cannabis users now and going forward. Please take the time to use them, it could change your life. This is a war that focuses on the weakest citizens of our nation, the poor, "minorities", and our sick. If we can not repeal cannabis prohibition let's nullify it! The majority of Americans believe that cannabis should be legal so let us as a nation nullify cannabis laws by not prosecuting cannabis users no matter the evidence against them because the law itself is inhumane and unjust. Let the legal system know that this is a losing fight and to repeal cannabis laws or waste their time and money on court cases that will be thrown out repeatedly. Empower yourself and your community as jurors, regain control of government and nullify bad laws.


Click the links below to see information to educate yourself and others to the importance of jurors not only judging the people charged of crimes but the laws themselves. Please educate yourself and print this information to share in your social circles and in your local court houses. Share the message and help nullify cannabis prohibition. If the majority of American citizens agree that cannabis is not a crime then stop prosecuting users! Stand up as citizens and demand your jury trial. Stand up as jurors and stop prosecuting no matter the evidence.


Jury Power Information Kit

Fully Informed Jury Association

Ron Paul explains jury nullification and the real power of the jury part 1

Ron Paul explains jury nullification and the real power of the jury part 2

Ron Paul explains jury nullification and the real power of the jury part 3

A Layman's Guide To Jury Nullification


Print jury nullification brochures and hand them out to anyone you can!

Print these to distribute in your area

Please print FREE Patient Protection Jury Nullification Labels

Make or buy your own Jury Nullification Patient Med Box

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