Help Sophie!

Sophie has had a busy Thanksgiving Break. Now she is ready to sit back and do a little online holiday shopping. Before she can shop, she needs her shopping list. The list is locked away and there is a secret code needed to open the lock. Can you figure out the secret code, so Sophie can do her online shopping?

Sophie lives in Fort Worth, she had lots of friends to visit during her Thanksgiving Break.

First she took I30 to Dallas.

Then she took the North Dallas Parkway to Frisco,

Next she took the North Dallas Parkway again back to Dallas,

She headed on I30 to Grand Prairie.

After a long day she was happy to be home.

Sophie grew some vegetables for Thanksgiving. She had extra vegetables that she sold them to the Farmer’s Market. Before she could sell them, she had to sort them by alphabetical order. Once she sorted them, she noticed that they make a very colorful pattern.

What is the best thing to put into a pumpkin pie?


Who brought what to Thanksgiving dinner?

Here’s the problem.

Three of Sophie’s friends brought items to Thanksgiving Dinner. Their names were Zoe, Ranger, and Iris. The items they brought were salad, pumpkin pie, and a turkey. The items cost $2.50, $5.00, and $10.00.

Can you figure out which person brought which item and how much each item cost?

  1. Everyone made and if needed cooked their item.
  2. Zoe is a vegetarian.
  3. Iris didn’t have $10.
  4. Ranger saved $2.50 week for four weeks in order to make her purchase.
  5. The desert item was $5.00.
  6. Zoe does not not cook.
  7. Iris forgot the whipped cream for her item.

Make a copy of the grid to help you solve the puzzle.Put an X in a spot where information does not apply. Put a O when you can confirm the answer. Place your answer in the form to unlock the 4 digit code.

But the other three decided to stay.