Welcome to Helpmateworld!

Empowering Engineers and Professionals with comprehensive solutions for Welding, Coating / Painting, Inspection, and Professional Certifications.

Helpmateworld is a leading provider of comprehensive solutions designed to assist engineers, inspectors, enthusiasts, students, professionals, and job seekers in gaining valuable insights and achieving professional certifications. Our apps serve as powerful tools that enhance understanding, improve performance, and open doors to new career opportunities

Download our apps now from the Android Play Store and Apple App Store to gain valuable insights, enhance your skills, and prepare for professional certifications.


At Helpmateworld, our mission is to revolutionize the way professionals in the fields of welding, coating, inspection, and related disciplines access and acquire knowledge. We are dedicated to developing cutting-edge solutions that provide comprehensive resources, practical insights, and up-to-date information, empowering individuals to enhance their understanding and excel in their respective domains. By bridging the gap between theory and practice, we aim to be the trusted platform that equips users with the tools they need to meet the evolving demands of the engineering and technology sectors. Helpmateworld is driven by the vision of enabling success and driving innovation in these critical industries.

Key Features 

Industries We Serve

Our apps cater to professionals in various industries such as Oil and Gas, Petro chemical process plants, Power, Mining, Construction, Nuclear, Marine, and Infrastructure. Whether you are involved in critical operations, working with specific requirements, or seeking to enhance your skills in welding, coating, inspection, and engineering, our apps provide valuable insights and support for engineers and professionals across diverse sectors.

Download our apps now from the Android Play Store and Apple App Store to gain valuable insights, enhance your skills, and prepare for professional certifications in welding, coating, inspection, and more.

Join thousands of engineers and professionals worldwide who have benefited from our apps and take your knowledge and career to new heights.


In 2016, we were a group of experienced quality inspectors at a refinery. Only one of us had a certified Pressure Vessel Inspector designation, but we were all eager to obtain such certification. However, our demanding day-to-day responsibilities at the remote site made it difficult to find time for traditional classroom courses.

We decided to create a systematic learning strategy. We developed a comprehensive study plan that covered all aspects of the API 510 certification exam requirements. We broke the entire course into manageable sections so that we could study at our own pace. To stay motivated, we created a study schedule and held each other accountable. We also formed a study group where we could discuss the material and clarify any questions we had.

We worked hard for months, and our dedication paid off. We passed the API 510 Certification exam! Our success motivated us to pursue API 570 certification. We used the same systematic learning strategy, and we all passed that exam too!

We were passionate about our collaboration and knowledge, so we wanted to share our knowledge with others. We decided to create more flexible and efficient methods for the preparation of such certification. As a result, the "API 510" and “API 570” apps were born. These apps provide interactive learning resources for certifications, and improve the understanding of the inspection requirements. They have been downloaded thousands of times, and they have helped many engineers, inspectors, students, and jobseekers.

We are proud of our accomplishments, and we are excited to continue supporting others in their pursuit of knowledge and growth. We believe that everyone has the potential to succeed, and we are committed to providing the resources they need to reach their goals.


We value your feedback and are here to assist you. If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns regarding our apps or services, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our dedicated support team is ready to provide you with the assistance you need.

You can contact us through the following channels:

Email: helpmateworld@outlook.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/helpmateworld-com-86a240206/

WhatsApp : https://wa.me/+61466167893

We strive to provide excellent customer support and will do our best to address your questions and concerns in a timely manner. Your satisfaction is important to us.

Thank you for choosing our solutions, we look forward to hearing from you soon.

Team Helpmateworld.com