Developing Learning Strategies

Despite the language barrier, MLL's can and will learn, given appropriate instruction, support, and assistance. Educators must recognize that as their students learn English, they must also develop strategies to critically analyze and effectively learn (Vogt & Eschevarria, 2008).

  • Sketch notes that encourage students to visually organize old and new information with tools like Notability

  • Directed reading, or thinking activities that have students predict what they think a text will be about based on the title and other clues, then revisit previously made predictions after sections of the text are read

  • SQP2RS ("Squeepers") framework for teaching content to students by working with students to SURVEY texts/materials, formulating QUESTIONS about the topic with partners, PREDICTING what they think will be the most important concepts, scaffolded READING, RESPONDING and discussing the answers to questions posed earlier, then SUMMARIZING concepts that were introduced and discussed in the text

  • Question prompts for different levels of language acquisition that allow students to use whatever language skills they have to participate in grade level appropriate learning activities

  • Question-Answer Relationships (QAR)

  • Anticipation guides ask students to think, write, and talk about their opinions on key themes or ideas contained in upcoming texts or units of study (click on the following links for examples of anticipation guides in science and math,

  • T-chart graphic organizer

  • Split-page note taking where students fold a piece of paper in half, write down questions (with prompting/guidance from the teacher), and then write down answers to the questions as they are uncovered during the lesson

  • Asking students to "stop and think" about what they are reading/learning by pausing to make predictions, make inferences, visualize a scene, and/or generate questions

  • Metacognitive learning strategies

  • Teach someone else about a topic that they have researched/read about through something like the Jigsaw Method