Helpful Tips For Choosing Office Tables

The choice of the office table can be motivated by several reasons, among others, by personal taste, the price or the trends in office tables for this year. Now, knowing some tips in advance can give us a somewhat more practical vision and, perhaps, teach us something that we had not taken into account until now. How to choose an office table? How do we accommodate her to our job? Would it be convenient to buy an office table? These and other questions will be addressed throughout this article, to offer you the best advice on the office furniture that suits you best.

Ergonomic office tables

Those who have not tried an office table that follows ergonomic guidelines cannot get an idea of ​​the benefit it brings not only to well-being in our daily work but going further, in our own productivity and work performance. And it is that knowing some essential aspects, such as that the desk should be placed at a height between 70 and 75 cm, we can condition our workspace while avoiding discomfort at the back, arms or hands.

Modern office tables

When choosing our office table, our taste and personality inevitably come into play. Today, modern training tables, ranging from, industrial, boho-chic or rustic styles, offer any business demanding design optimum functionality along with a style in keeping with our times.

Some tips when choosing our office work table, we have to take into account some starting points:

  • The tables must have a wide tabletop so that we can have our work material without overloading it and leaving enough space to support the arms on the computer keyboard.

  • The tables have to avoid sharp edges, better with rounded edges, so that when leaning we do not hurt our wrists

  • Better to opt for sober styles that can survive the coming furniture fads

Plan the workspace

To start planning our workspace and thus be able to choose the most convenient table, we have to foresee some aspects, such as the following:

Items we need on a daily basis: telephone, printer, filing cabinets, desktop or laptop.

The daily work we do: billing or administration, management, IT or marketing do not perform the same tasks, so they will have different needs when organizing their space.

The job or role that we perform: a high command is not the same as an operational or executive position, in this sense, employees of a more executive nature require separators that allow their independence with respect to their colleagues, with whom they usually share the same space, or the managers, who need large desks and presence to receive clients in their offices.

Taking these aspects into account, we can begin to consider as important some of the functionalities that modern office tables incorporate, such as spaces for electrification or cable glands that are integrated into their structure, easily nestable and self-regulating trays, among other examples.

Design and elegance

Some pieces of furniture, such as glass desks, offer functionality, design and style at the same time to benefit a company image consistent with our brand. In this way, we have a multitude of styles, from the most avant-garde to the most classic, to offer the interior decoration of your business the exact touch of style it needs.

A desk for the office

The desk is one more tool to consider for effective work. This must adapt to the nature of the work we do, offering us comfort, functionality and design, in a perfect trinomial.

There are several models for the arrangement of desks, in order to facilitate work operations:

L-shaped model, ideal to allow independence and encourage concentration on tasks that require it, for example, for accounting.

U-shaped model, for those positions that require periodic interaction, for example, in a marketing team, where conversation and the exchange of ideas are encouraged by this arrangement.

office furniture round table for meeting rooms or reception rooms, as they promote informal conversation.

Rectangular office tables, for annual closing presentations, more important meetings or when collaborative work is required during a long working day.

Round Vs. rectangular office tables

The choice, in addition to the use that is going to be given, can also be motivated by the space available in the office, the round tables being the most suitable if we have the most limited space, the type of meetings that will be held at your around, being the round ones for informal meetings and the rectangular ones those of a more formal character and with a more marked hierarchy.

If you are thinking of acquiring office furniture and you are interested in knowing which office tables are the most suitable for your business, you need advice or you simply need to request a quote, do not hesitate to contact us through our phone.