Controls and Indications

Before you play

It's strongly suggested that you adjust the size of UI, zoom speed and pan speed according to your screen size and needs. Music and sound effects are off by default. When turning them on please check that your device is not set to mute. 

User settings menu is found in any level under "Settings" in the pause menu.


1. Arriving aircraft

Yellow flag. Aircraft arriving.

2. Departing aircraft

Green flag.

"22" -> Departure runway, 

"TP945"-> Flight number, 

"2" -> Departure sequence, 

"04:30" -> Departure countdown (must be +/-15s for on time).

Aircrafts without flag cannot be selected cause they are currently parked.

3. Repositioning aircraft

Orange flag. Aircraft on tow. These aircrafts are subject to repositioning on the airport.

4. Exit indicator

Yellow lead lights indicating current target exit taxiway for arrivals. If it is not yellow it is a available exit taxiway.

5. Overview

-> Green: Departure runway.

-> Yellow: Arrival runway.

-> Mixed: Departure and arrival runway. 

Panel can be folded on title.

6. Takeoff position

Green/red lead lights indicating take off position. At red take-off is not permitted. Green means wake-turbulence separation is fine and doesn't mean that runway is not blocked by any other traffic.

7. Next flights

Next departures and arrivals. For arrivals it states also exit taxiway and runway. For departures it states target take-off time and runway.

-> only one arrival and departure per runway (otherwise it would fill your screen!).

-> can be clicked to select flight.

8. General controls

Game speed controls, menu control with exit, settings, help, etc.

9. Messages

Message panel. Can be clicked to select flight (works only once per message). Panel can be folded on title.

Departure and Taxi

1. Flight controls

-> Close: Deselect current flight.

-> Reset: Resets current taxi clearance.

-> Cancel: Cancelling taxi, lineup or take off -clearance.

-> Hold short of: Hold before next clicked taxiway.

-> Line up 36R: Line up on runway 36R.

-> Take off 36R: Take off on runway 36R (can be combined out of a taxiclearance together with a lineup clearance).

2. Taxiway button

Click to add taxiway to temporary taxi path. Keep in mind that you cannot select another flight during the construction of a taxi clearance. Only way out is with cancel or close.

Taxiway width indication is located in the upper right corner on the button (Heavy/Medium/Light). Be careful when moving larger aircraft on a smaller taxiways. This is possible but wing-tip-clearance cannot be assured.

3. Holding point / stopbar / parking button

Click to execute now taxi clearance to given stop. Gives new flight control options for line-up and take-off.

4. Flight information

-> Aircraft type and size (Heavy, Medium, Light)

-> Departure runway

-> Take-off time

-> Departure sequence. 

-> Take-off run. 15 seconds maximum or end of runway which ever is earlier.

5. Selected departing flight

Flags of non-selected flights are transparent. Selected flight is bright.

6. Taxi path

Yellow -> Temporary taxi path.

Blue -> currently inspected taxiway (the last clicked taxiway). 

White -> crossing taxiways (from currently inspected taxiway).  Here its possible to check the width of the taxiway by eye. Light, Medium and Heavy. In a future update we will implement an easier method to verify the width.


1. Pushback window and number

Window with all possible pushback positions. Window appears only if the only way to move the aircraft is pushing it back.

2. Selected flight


1. Exit buttons

Used to choose the exit for arriving flights. Red is active side of runway. Click again to change to the next exit. Exit indications on runway are described above. Exit buttons are only visible when aircraft is still airborne.

2. Target parking position

Blue rotating circle indicates target parking for selected flight. Depending on the difficulty level, the parking might be occupied. Usually the flight occupying will call ready for taxi within three minutes. If parking is occupied a addional information is displayed in the flight information window (top left panel).

3. Selected arriving flight


1. Waketurbulence countdown

Indicates time passed since previous departure on this runway. In addition the runway color in the overview panel is also set to red in order to remind that take-off is not permitted.

2. Countdown arrival

Countdown for next arrival on this runway. Changes text to "APCH" and color to yellow when the flight is on final approach.