Members only!

A website is all very well, but it doesn't really allow you to do anything. All you can do is read what someone else has written, and maybe look at a few pretty pictures. However, once you're a member of our group, you can do stuff yourself. You can post photos of your grandchildren. You can tell us your favourite joke. You can share your favourite recipe for Victoria sponge.

And the best bit: only the other members of the group can see what you've said. That means there are no security risks - on facebook the world can see what you've written, in our group only the other ladies, whom you've all met face-to-face, can see your posts.

So, why not head over to our closed group page, sign in with your email address, and have a crack at all this online malarkey without any risks?

Not a member yet? That's easily remedied! Just come to one of our meetings as advertised here, join up, give the President your email address, you'll get your invite, and you can get cracking!