We're back, and we now meet at the earlier time of 1pm (13:00h). There might be cake....

Hellesdon Women's Institute

Hellesdon WI in 1927! Look at the amazing hats!

We're the Hellesdon WI, and we'll be 100 next year! We meet at the Hellesdon Community Centre on the second Wednesday every month at 1 to 3 pm (except in August - we usually just have a lunch outing in August!). 

Why not come and join us? No fear, you can 'try before you buy' - just rock up at one of our meetings (see calendar below - just click on the event to find out what's on, and where to come)! 

Check out our amazing 94th-birthday cake! Lovingly baked and decorated by our late  committee member Wendy Dent!