Hell Dancers Blues Weekend

10 al 12 de Noviembre de 2017

HDBW es un festival completamente dedicado al blues, música y baile, con espacio para el swing y fusion. Un fin de semana en el Hotel del Golf Playa Castellón, en la Costa de Azahar junto al Mar Mediterráneo, con un excelente clima que en Noviembre la media es de 21º de día.

Talleres para 3 niveles de baile, 9 instructores de baile, 10 horas de clases para bailar con blues, swing y fusion, y Tasters, con los instructores, Carla Frade (Portugal) Joao Sampaio (España) Rober Bernabeu (España) Encarny Villarreal (España) Gem Antoja (España) Albert Roca (España) Melanie Mas (España) Sandy Lewis (España) Marti Gasol (España)

Fiestas con 10 bandas de blues y 2 de Swing, 3 Dj

Competiciones Jack & Jill y Solo Blues con atractivos premios para los participantes

To stay up to date, please join us in our Facebook group or Facebook event - We will be updating both with the latest information on excursion, bands, dances and other events throughout the festival.

Regístrate aquí

To know more info teachers here

Live Music info bands here


El festival se llevará a cabo en el Hotel del Golf Playa Castellón, una ubicación idónea junto al Mar Mediterráneo, donde están previstos Clandestinos junto al mar con música en vivo.

Más info del hotel, aquí

Precios / Prices


Puedes escoger entre 3 niveles

  • ORANGE BABY = PRINCIPIANTE: Conoces los aspectos básicos, asistes regularmente a clases y sueles bailar desde hace 3 meses mínimo
  • ORANGE INTERMEDIO: Tomas clases regulares, participas en talleres y conoces los básicos. Quieres saber más del vocabulario del baile y sus movimientos. Quieres experimentar y aprender con diferentes estilos de música blues y sus tempos, explorar la conexión y trabajar tu musicalidad.
  • ORANGE AVANZADO: Eres un experto bailando, sueles acudir a grandes eventos de baile, asistes a talleres internacionales, quieres trabajar en detalles de técnica, conexión con cada pareja, así como la musicalidad y expresión mientras se baila.


You can choose between 3 levels.

  • ORANGE BABY = BEGINNER: You know some basics, have been to a few classes and have been dancing for a few months.
  • ORANGE INTERMEDIATE: You take regular classes, have been to a few workshops and know the basics. You want to expand your vocabulary of moves. You would like to experiment with different styles of blues music and tempos, explore the connection and work on your musicality.
  • ORANGE ADVANCED: You’re an experienced dancer, you’ve been to several international workshops and you want to be challenged during the classes: you want to work on the details of technique, connection with every partner, musicality and expression through dance.

Cualquier pregunta que tengas, ponte en contacto con nosotros


+34 658 503 819


The Blue Farm Society is very happy and proud to announce that preparations for the I Hell Dancers Blues Weekend are already underway! This festival , the first entirely dedicated to Blues Dance in Castellon area, will be held at Golf Playa Hotel and different locations in the maritime area of Castellòn City during the 10th, 11th and 12th of November 2017. For the whole weekend we could enjoy:

  • -Group lessons for beginners, medium and advanced dancers, as well as tasters, given by excellent international instructors!
  • -Live music by the hand of 12 explosive blues and swing combos and the best DJ,s from the national blues scene!
  • -Jack&Jill and Solo Blues competitions , with attractive prizes for participants!
  • -Evening and night amazing parties!
  • -Social Dances and opened air Clandestinos in different locations around the city!
  • -Full board and lodging at the hotel included in the Orange Full Pass!

Three days dancing right next to the Mediterranean Sea, learning from the best teachers, enjoying amazing blues bands and Dj,s...are you gonna miss it?

Prepare for a perfect unforgettable weekend, not only for blues & fusion dance. Lindy-Hop, Balboa, Shag, Slow Swing… they,ll be represented in parties and tasters as well!

Please, take note of this information in your agenda and reserve the dates for this special event! 10th, 11th and 12th of November! I Hell Dancers Blues Weekend!!

Registration here