Student Opportunities

All-State Band Audition Materials (7 - 12)

Howdy there Helix Band students,

Oregon Music Educators Association (OMEA) has officially posted the audition material for All-State Band. The materials can be found by clicking the following link:

For those who don't know, the All-State Band(s) are audition based groups for students 7 - 12 grade. If selected, you will recieve a packet of several pieces of music that you will be performing at the OMEA State Conference in Eugene OR sometime in January. This is a massive event attended by thousands of music teachers all across the state of Oregon. It is a great opportunity to make new friends, perform as part of an honor band, diversify your skillset as a musician, and represent our school on a statewide stage. For those interested, it is also a huge accomplishment you can list on your resume and/or college applications.

There are 3 groups you are eligible to audition for: Middle School Band (for 7/8 graders), Symphonic Band (9-12), and Wind Ensemble (9-12). I would encourage all of you to consider reviewing the material and auditioning for one of the groups. Symphonic Band is the larger scale group and will be taking more students in. Wind Ensemble is the highly selective group that will be taking the most driven/top notch musicians. I encourage those of you who are upperclassmen and/or those of you who are up to the challenge to prepare auditions for both symphonic band and wind ensemble. 

This process will necessitate some work on the pieces throughout the summer. Do not wait to start practicing until September, otherwise I can assure you tat your chances of making these groups will be slim to none as auditions are due back October 1st. If you want assistance/feedback on your preparation for these auditions, please record yourself playing the material and upload it to youtube as an unlisted video and send me the link. I will be happy to help!

Good luck and happy practicing!