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Helger Lipmaa

Research Background

I have been an active cryptography researcher since around 1997. My first research topic was time-stamping --- combined with authenticated data structures and accumulators. I have researched many cryptographic topics, starting from differential cryptanalysis and ending with MPC. However, since 2001 I have been active in zero-knowledge research. I wrote my first SNARK paper in 2008, where we showed that one can achieve (inefficient) SNARKs under knowledge assumptions. My 2003 paper on using Diophantine equations and groups of unknown order and my 2012 paper on trustless accumulators inspired well-known SNARKs like DARK. My 2012 paper on SNARKs was the last "theoretical" step before GGPR13 and Pinocchio made SNARKs practical. In 2017, I got the best (or best-3) paper award in Asiacrypt for our paper that defined and constructed subversion-resistant SNARKs. In 2022, I had one paper where I generalized Groth16-like SNARKs to many settings and another paper where we proposed the most communication-efficient known updatable SNARK Vampire.


See the news section in the research group page.

Previous Ph.D. Students

Previous Honorary Ph.D. Students

(People who had a different supervisor but who spent a considerable amount of time in my research group as a Ph.D. student)

Work address

Institute of Computer Science

Narva mnt 18

51009 Tartu
