
Current Courses

In Spring 2024, I am teaching Math 30: Calculus I and Math 111: Differential Equations. 

The easiest way to reach me is to send me email.  But it's usually easier to discuss math in real time.  So feel free to drop by or call my office anytime.  If I'm free, I'd be happy to talk; else, we can easily arrange to talk another time.   I will announce my semi-regular office hours soon.  

Projects with Students

Feel free to send me an email if you are interested in working on a project together.   In the past, I've supervised student research, where we work on a current unsolved problem.  Sometimes we solve the problem, and sometimes we don't; but it's always a learning experience for everyone (especially me!).  I've also supervised projects where students develop new curricular materials.  

Current and past research projects

Current and past curricular projects

Mathematical Art Exhibits