Zhihan (Helen) Wang

PhD Candidate in Business Economics

Stephen M. Ross School of Business

University of Michigan

There is an ancient Chinese motto from pre-Qin dynasty, saying "It takes ten years to grow a tree, but a hundred years to nurture a generation."  


Welcome to my personal website!

I am a final-year PhD candidate at Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, where I am fortunate to be advised by prof. Damian Beil,  prof. Jun Li, and prof. Jagadeesh Sivadasan. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Economics with a minor in Data Science from Fudan University, China.

My research employs empirical and experimental methods to explore the social impact of educational services such as Education Technology (EdTech), higher education, K-12 STEM education, and childcare, with a particular emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the delivery and outcomes of these services. 

I am on the 2024-2025 academic job market.

To learn more about me, you can access my LinkedIn profile, SSRN homepage, Google Scholar, or send me an email. Always happy to meet new friends!
