Curriculum Vitae


2016: Habilitation, Le Havre Normandy University, Le Havre, France.
          Thesis title: Economic Policy Modelling: The Utility of Computable General Equilibrium Models.

2007: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Economics, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France.
          Thesis title: Affirmative action Policy in South Africa: A Computable General Equilibrium analysis 

Professional Experience

Since 2017: Full Professor, Le Havre Normandie University,  Faculty of International Affairs, France

2019-2023: Research Director, EDEHN (Equipe D’Economie – le Havre Normandie), Le Havre, France

2014-2017: Assistant Professor, Le Havre Normandie University, Faculty of International Affairs, France

2012-2017: Research Director, Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP) Research Network, Modelling and Policy Impact Analysis (MPIA)  

2011-2012: Post-Doc Researcher, Laval University, CIRPEE, Quebec, Canada

Since 2009: PEP Resource Person, PEP-Network (, Mentor of PEP researcher

2010-2011: Researcher, European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), Economics of Climate Change, Energy and Transport Unit. Sevilla, Spain

2009-2010: Project Coordinator, Financial and Fiscal Commission, Johannesburg, South Africa

2008-2009: Post-Doc Researcher, University of the Free State, South Africa

2006-2008: Temporary Research and Teaching Officer (ATER), University of Rouen, France

Affiliations & Memberships

Since 2014: Affiliated researcher, EDEHN (Equipe D’Economie – le Havre Normandie), Le Havre,                            France

Since 2009: Affiliated researcher, Ressource Person and mentor in Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP) Research Network, Nairobi, Kenya

Scholar ships, Grants & Awards

2016-2020: Doctoral Supervision and Research Grant (PEDR), France

2011-2012: Post-doctoral Excellence Award, Laval University, Quebec, Canada

2008-2009: Post-doctoral Excellence Award, University of the Free State, South Africa

2003-2006: Research grant, University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, Nice, France