
This book presents a new empirical and conceptual framework for understanding trends of genetic surveillance in different countries in Europe and in other jurisdictions around the world. It discusses how contemporary modes of criminal identification involve the development of highly controversial genetic technologies that pose acute challenges to privacy and generate fears of discrimination, racism and stigmatization. It contains interview data collected from forensic experts, police forces, NGOs and data activists.

This book is a unique contribution to research, teaching and advanced training in sociology and criminology, which will also appeal to students of anthropology, law, science and technology studies (STS), police studies and international relations. It provides a comprehensive introduction for students to social theory and research methods related to the role and presence of science and genetic technologies in the governance of criminality. This book shows the historical evolution of forensic genetics and how it can be contextualized in current social and political transformations. This book is translated to Portuguese and simplified Chinese.

Based on the premise that the project of Western Modernity is a structuring element of our societies, this book explores its legacies of coloniality and racialization that interfere in a subtle and perverse way in the current social, political and cultural systems. It offers a thorough and intersectional analysis of the presence of the phantom of race in spaces of knowledge production such as that of artistic field, literature, and forensic genetics.

The real heroes of television crime shows in the twenty-first century are no longer police detectives but forensic technologies. The authors conducted interview with prisoners in Austria and Portugal. Through critically engaging with STS, sociological and criminological perspectives on the use of DNA technologies within the criminal justice system, this groundbreaking book shows how prisoners understand crime scene technologies, and what effect they attribute to the existence of large police databases on their own lives, careers, and futures. A Portuguese translation is available here.

This book offers an innovative analytical approach as a tool for cross-country comparison to make explicit the rather invisible bordering practices along transnationally expansive biometric technologies. It provides a panorama on cross-country dynamics, as well as the different countries’ situations by demonstrating how the particularities of national policy regulations and judicial traditions, as well as technological infrastructures and techno-political cultural repertoires, either enforce, complement or counter the bio-bordering dynamics of the EU.

This"Handbook of Sociology of Crime" (Portuguese version only) is of pedagogical nature, which presents the main concepts, theories and methods to analyze crime from a sociological point of view. It covers a wide range of sociological traditions of thought, from marxism, structuralism, interactionism, and feminism, to discuss thr functions of crime in western societies. In addition to the scientific discussion of different topics, it presents practical exercises suitable for higher education courses.