Health Analytics Research Team (HEART)

Mission and Goals

The overarching goal of the research lab is to (1) to mitigate the substantial information gap between physicians and patients through the development of innovative technologies and tools, and (2) to enhance the quality of medical and health informatics research by integrating diverse data resources, developing data-driven methodologies, analyzing social networks, and combining artificial intelligence and ontological approaches.

Current Team members

Goyal, Riya

Research Team Advisor(s)

Dr. Duo (Helen) Wei

Kiminsky, Keith                                                                             Group Photo

Group Videos

Past Members

Davis, Joshua

Collier, Jake (2021), Current Employer: Noblis

Mykola Hubchak (2021), Current Employer: Lockheed Martin

Hayek, Brendan, Current Employer: Annexus Health

Nhi Lam (2017), Current Employer: Vanguard

Arron Burrows (2017), Current Employer: Federal Aviation Administration

Tiara Campbell (2014), Current Employer: University of Pennsylvania 

Updates (Co-Authored Publications)