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____: At least in my phone, /storage/emulated/0 does not correspond to SD card, but to 1_____________. This method did not work for my external card, but I never tried it with another phone.

Plug in your device and run adb shell which will get you a command shell on your device. You don't have permission to read /storage/emulated/ but since you know it's in subdirectory 0 just go cd /storage/emulated/0 and you will be able to look around and interact as aspected.

So, the /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera is the same folder as your normal DCIM/Camera folder. Its just a symlink. So the files are actually in the right location you just have an app that put bad data into the MediaStore Database.

When accessing files from your PC your are actually enumerating the MediaStorage database for files. Its not pulling a traditional directory lists. So what you see is based on what is in that database and the path entries in the database. Files in the database pointing to emulated directories aren't shown as they are assumed to be duplicates as its the same physical directory as your normal DCIM/Camera. What is going on is that some poorly written third party apps are inserting entries into the database with the /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera path instead of the proper root path to DCIM/Camera. Which means that the MTP service can't see them when you are hooked up to your PC.

Android recommends that you call Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory.getPath() instead of hardcoding /sdcard/ in path name. This returns the primary shared/external storage directory. So, if storage is emulated, this will return /storage/emulated/0. If you explore the device storage with a file explorer, the said directory will be /mnt/sdcard (confirmed on Xperia Z2 running Android 6).

In my case, 2_________________________________________________________. For example, when i take a photo with my phone's default camera application, the images are saved automatically 3____________________________________________

To RESTORE your pictures from /storage/emulated/0/ simply open the 100Andro file..there you will see your pictures although you may not have access to them in you pc explorer. There open each picture one by one, go on setting (three dots..) and save the picture. It will show up in the android file 'Pictures' from where you can also copy them by using your explorer. There is no 'save all' function, however so it must be done one by one, but it works. 5376163bf9

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