Family Camp

Join us June 9-14, 2024 for FAMILY CAMP FUN!!


7:30 - Quiet Time with God

8:00 - Breakfast

8:45 - Camp Songs and Opening Devotion

9:15 - Adult Sessions with Mart and Cheryl   

       KID Activity time with Camp Counselors

10:45 - Group Game/Activity

Noon - Lunch

1:15 - Whole Family with Mart and Cheryl

       Active Learning Time—Put it into practice

3:15 - FREE TIME with family!

Swimming in the lake, fishing, canoeing, hiking, etc

  Also, Mart & Cheryl available for private meeting time

5:30 - Dinner

7:00 - Evening FUN group activity

Did you know that studies show -- parents are the #1 influence on the faith formation of their children?

Come and have FUN with your kids!! Let Pastor Thompson lead you, PARENTS, in Bible study and teaching of discipleship for your family...while your KIDS play with our summer camp counselors! Then, have time together to swim, play, worship, sing, ENJOY each a family!!

** You can stay in bunkhouse with other families $300/person -- two years and under are FREE

** You can stay in PRIVATE CABIN or HOTEL ROOM for $350/person -- two year olds and under are FREE

** You can stay in your RV on site for $250/person

** You can stay in your TENT on site for $225/person

ALL choices include meals, lodging and programming!! 

To REGISTER for Family Camp -- 

Please EMAIL Janine at and let her know which lodging you prefer...OR call her at 620-795-2008

AND fill out the following Health/Registration Form (one per person)

Take time together to PLAY at teh Ozarks, be in God's Word as a FAMILY, and gain skills for keeping Christ at the center of our busy lives, all the time having FUN and making FRIENDS!!

** If you are staying in the BUNKHOUSE - we'll have PARENTS and kids under 5 in two of the quads...and BOYS (5 and up) in a quad with our male camp counselors. GIRLS (5 and up) in a quad with our female summer camp counselors!!

Daily CAMP THEMES for Discipleship at HOME

Monday - DO: Spiritual Habits

Tuesday - SAY: Spiritual Conversations

Wednesday - HELP: Serving Others Together

Thursday - CONNECT: Home and Church as Partners