Our papers

Cushnie, A.K., Tang, W., & Heilbronner, S.R. Connecting circuits with networks in addiction neuroscience (2023). International Journal of Molecular Sciences.

Burkhart, J.C., *Heilbronner, S.R., & *Packer, C. (2023). Oxytocin administration provides a potential solution for conservation management strategies in felids.” Frontiers in Mammal Science.
*Denotes equal contribution

Cushnie, A.K., Manea, A.M.G., Tang, W., Bullock, D.N., Zimmermann, J. & Heilbronner, S.R. (2022). The

use of chemogenetic actuator ligands in nonhuman primate DREADDs-fMRI. Current Research in

Neurobiology, 4: 100072.

Foster, B.L., Koslov, S.R., Aponik-Gremillion, L., Monko, M.E., Hayden, B.Y., & Heilbronner, S.R. (2022). A tripartite view of posterior cingulate cortex. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 24, 173-189.

Grier, M.D., Yacoub, E., Adriany, G., Lagore, R.L., Harel, N., Zhang, R.Y., Lenglet, C. Ugurbil, K., *Zimmermann, J., & *Heilbronner, S.R. (2022). Ultra-high field (10.5T) diffusion-weighted MRI of the macaque brain. NeuroImage, 119200.

*Denotes equal contribution

Wang, M.Z., *Hayden, B.Y., & *Heilbronner, S.R. (2022). A structural and functional subdivision in central orbitofrontal cortex. Nature Communications, 13(1) 1-12.

*Denotes equal contribution

Bullock, D.N., Hayday, E.A., Grier, M.D., *Tang, W., *Pestilli, F., *Heilbronner, S.R. (2022). A taxonomy of the brain’s white matter: Twenty-one tracts for the twenty-first century. Cerebral Cortex, bhab500.

*Denotes equal contribution

Banks, G.P., Heilbronner, S.R., Goodman, W., & Sheth, S.A. (2022). A population normalized tractographic atlas of subcortical fibers of the anterior limb of the internal capsule: Relevance to surgical neuromodulation. Journal of Neurosurgery, Apr 8, 1-11.

Foster, B.L., Koslov, S.R., Aponik-Gremillion, L., Monko, M.E., Hayden, B.Y., & Heilbronner, S.R. (2022). A tripartite view of posterior cingulate cortex. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 24, 173-189.

Burkhart, J.C., Gupta, S., Borrego, N., *Heilbronner, S.R., & *Packer, C. (2022).  Oxytocin promotes social proximity and decreases vigilance in African lions. iScience, 104049.

 *Denotes equal contribution

Manea, A.M.G., Zilverstand, A., Ugurbil, K., Heilbronner, S.R., & Zimmermann, J. (2022). Intrinsic timescales as an organizational principle of neural processing across the whole rhesus macaque brain. eLife, 11, e75540.

Chafee, M.V. & Heilbronner, S.R. (2022) Primer: Prefrontal Cortex. Current Biology, 32, R346-R351.

Maisson, D.J.N., Cash-Padgett-T.V., Wang, M.Z., Hayden, B.Y., Heilbronner, S.R., & Zimmermann, J. (2021). Choice-relevant information transformation along a ventrodorsal axis in the medial prefrontal cortex. Nature Communications, 12, 1-14.

Redish, A.D., Kepec, A., Anderson, L.M., Calvin, O., Grissom, N., Haynos, A.F., Heilbronner, S.R., Herman, A.B., Jacob, S., Ma, S., Vilares, I., Vinogradov, S., Walters, C.J., Widge, A.S., Zick, J.L., & Zilverstand, A. (2021). Computational validity: Using computation to translate behaviors across species. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 377:20200525.

Tang, W., Choi, E.Y., Heilbronner, S.R., & Haber, S.N. (2021). Nonhuman primate meso-circuitry data: A translational tool to understand brain networks across species. Brain Structure and Function, 226, 1-11.

Monko, M.E. & Heilbronner, S.R. (2021). Retrosplenial cortical connectivity with frontal basal ganglia networks. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 33, 1096-1105.

Yacoub, E., Grier, MD., Auerbach, E.J., Lagore, R.L., Harel, N., Adriany, G., Zilverstand, A., Hayden, B.Y., Heilbronner, S.R., *Ugurbil, K., & *Zimmermann, J. (2020). Ultra-high field (10.5 T) resting state fMRI in the macaque. NeuroImage, 223, 117349.

*Denotes equal contribution

*Cushnie, A.K., *El-Nahal, H.G., Bohlen, M.O., May, P.J., Basso, M.A., Grimaldi, P., Wang, M.Z., de Velasco, E.M.F., Sommer, M.A., & Heilbronner, S.R. (2020). Using rAAV2-retro in rhesus macaques: Promise and caveats for circuit manipulation. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 345, 108859.

*Denotes equal contribution

Monko, M.E. & Heilbronner, S.R. (2020). Some animal models are more equal than others: Cortico-striatal circuits for translation. Lab Animal, 49(8), 225-226.

Grier, M.D., Zimmermann, J., & Heilbronner, S.R. (2020). Estimating brain connectivity with diffusion-weighted MRI: Promise and peril. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 5, 846-854.

Burkhart, J.C. & Heilbronner, S.R. (2019). Cracking down on complexity in the evolving brain. Trends in Cognitive Sciences (Spotlight format), 23, 908-910.

Widge, A.S., Heilbonner, S.R., & Hayden, B.Y. (2019). Prefrontal cortex and cognitive control: New insights from human electrophysiology. F1000 Faculty Reviews, 8, 1696:1705.

Heilbronner, S.R. & Chafee, M.V. (2019). Learning how neurons fail inside of networks: Nonhuman primates provide critical data for psychiatry. Neuron (NeuroView format), 102, 21-26.