Heike Adel

🎓 Google Scholar 📧 firstname.lastname at gmail dot com

I am professor at Hochschule der Medien (university of applied sciences) in Stuttgart, Germany.

Before that, I was lead research scientist at Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence (BCAI) and, before that, a postdoctoral researcher in Sebastian Padó's group at the Institute for Natural Language Processing (IMS) at University of Stuttgart. Before that, I completed my PhD in computer science at the Center for Information and Language Processing (CIS) at LMU Munich, under the supervision of Hinrich Schütze.

During my PhD, I was a recipient of the Google European Doctoral Fellowship in Natural Language Processing. 

Research Interests

My research interests lie on machine learning methods for natural language processing (NLP), with a particular focus on deep learning methods and on enhancing their robustness (e.g., in low-resource scenarios) and their explainability. Important application areas of my work in the past were speech recognition, information extraction for knowledge graph population, and multimodal scientific text mining. Currently, I have the pleasure to co-supervise two PhD theses on transfer learning for low-resource NLP and NLP beyond sentences.

News / Highlights

2022 and older