Working papers

The Wandering Scholars: Understanding the Heterogeneity of University Commercialization

With Josh Lerner, Henry Manley, and Carolyn Stein
NBER working paper #32069
Online appendix

Refereed journal publications  

Representation and Extrapolation: Evidence from Clinical Trials

With Marcella Alsan, Maya Durvasula, Harsh Gupta, and Joshua Schwartzstein  

Forthcoming, Quarterly Journal of Economics
NBER working paper #30575

Optimal Vaccine Subsidies for Epidemic Diseases 

With Matthew Goodkin-Gold, Michael Kremer, and Christopher Snyder  

Forthcoming, Review of Economics and Statistics 

One of two companion papers derived from NBER working paper #28085  

The NBER Orange Book Dataset: A User's Guide

With Maya Durvasula, C. Scott Hemphill, Lisa Larrimore Ouellette, and Bhaven Sampat  

2023, Research Policy 52(7): 104791

NBER working paper #30628


Optimal Vaccine Subsidies for Endemic Diseases

With Matthew Goodkin-Gold, Michael Kremer, and Christopher Snyder  

2022, International Journal of Industrial Organization 84: 102840  

One of two companion papers derived from NBER working paper #28085

NIH Public Access PMC8975799  


Place-Based Drivers of Mortality: Evidence from Migration

With Amy Finkelstein and Matthew Gentzkow  

2021, American Economic Review 111(8): 2697-2735  

NBER working paper #25975  

NIH Public Access PMC8653912  


Screening and Selection: The Case of Mammograms

With Liran Einav, Amy Finkelstein, Tamar Oostrom, and Abigail Ostriker  

2020, American Economic Review 110(12): 3836-3870  

NBER working paper #26162  

NIH Public Access PMC9300583  


Who Profits from Patents? Rent-Sharing at Innovative Firms 

With Patrick Kline, Neviana Petkova, and Owen Zidar  

2019, Quarterly Journal of Economics 134(3): 1343-1404  


Copyright 2019, Oxford Journals  

NBER working paper #25245  

NIH Public Access PMC7470084  

Online appendix

The More We Die, The More We Sell? A Simple Test of the Home-Market Effect

With Arnaud Costinot, Dave Donaldson, and Margaret Kyle  

2019, Quarterly Journal of Economics 134(2): 843-894  

Copyright 2019, Oxford Journals  

NBER working paper #22538  

NIH Public Access PMC6451965  

Online appendix


How Do Patents Affect Follow-on Innovation? Evidence from the Human Genome

With Bhaven Sampat  

2019, American Economic Review 109(1): 203-236  

Copyright 2019, American Economic Association  

NBER working paper #21666  

NIH Public Access PMC6317741  

Online appendix


How Do Patents Affect Research Investments?

2017, Annual Reviews of Economics 9: 441-469  

Copyright 2017, Annual Reviews  

NBER working paper #23088  

NIH Public Access PMC5664960  

Adjusting Risk Adjustment: Accounting for Variation in Diagnostic Intensity

With Amy Finkelstein, Matthew Gentzkow, and Peter Hull  

2017, New England Journal of Medicine 376(7): 608-610   

Copyright 2017, NEJM Group  

NIH Public Access PMC5380362  

Supplementary Appendix 1

Supplementary Appendix 2


Sources of Geographic Variation in Health Care: Evidence from Patient Migration

With Amy Finkelstein and Matthew Gentzkow  

2016, Quarterly Journal of Economics 131(4): 1681-1726  

Copyright 2016, MIT Press  

NBER working paper #20789

NIH Public Access PMC5243120  

Online appendix


Why is Infant Mortality Higher in the US Than in Europe?

With Alice Chen and Emily Oster  

2016, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 8(2): 89-124  

Copyright 2016, American Economic Association  

NBER working paper #20525  

NIH Public Access PMC4856058  


Paying on the Margin for Medical Care: Evidence from Breast Cancer Treatments

With Liran Einav and Amy Finkelstein  

2016, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 8(1): 52-79  

Copyright 2016, American Economic Association  

NBER working paper #20226  

NIH Public Access PMC4758371  

Online appendix


Do Firms Underinvest in Long-Term Research? Evidence from Cancer Clinical Trials

With Eric Budish and Benjamin Roin  

2015, American Economic Review 105(7): 2044-2085  

Copyright 2015, American Economic Association  

NBER working paper #19430  

NIH Public Access PMC4557975  

Online appendix

Data construction scripts

Awarded the Kauffman/iHEA Award for Health Care Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research  

Awarded the iHEA Kenneth J. Arrow Award  


Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation: Evidence from the Human Genome

2013, Journal of Political Economy 121(1): 1-27  

Copyright 2013, University of Chicago Press  

NBER working paper #16213  

NIH Public Access PMC3955392  

Online appendix 


Estimating Marginal Returns to Medical Care: Evidence from At-Risk Newborns

With Douglas Almond, Joseph Doyle, and Amanda Kowalski  

2010, Quarterly Journal of Economics 125(2): 591-634  

Copyright 2010, MIT Press  

NBER working paper #14522  

NIH Public Access PMC2903901  

Online appendix

Reply to Barreca et al.; 2011, Quarterly Journal of Economics 126(4): 2125-2131  

Awarded the 2010 HCUP Outstanding Article of the Year award  

Awarded the 2011 Garfield Economic Impact Award  


Published conference proceedings  


Private and Public Investments in Biomedical Research

With Maya Durvasula and Lisa Larrimore Ouellette  

2021, American Economic Association Papers & Proceedings 111: 341-45  

Copyright 2021, American Economic Association  

NBER working paper #28349  

NIH Public Access PMC8356751


Internalizing Externalities: Designing Effective Data Policies

With Ryan Hill and Carolyn Stein  

2020, American Economic Association Papers & Proceedings 110: 49-54  

Copyright 2020, American Economic Association  


Is American Health Care Uniquely Inefficient?  Evidence from Prescription Drugs

With Margaret Kyle  

2017, American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings 107(5): 486-90  

Copyright 2017, American Economic Association  

NBER working paper #23068  

NIH Public Access PMC5445925  


Patents and Research Investments: Assessing the Empirical Evidence

With Eric Budish and Benjamin Roin  

2016, American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings 106(5): 183-187  

Copyright 2016, American Economic Association  

NBER working paper #21889  

NIH Public Access PMC4880049   

Online appendix 


Non-technical writing

How Does Accounting for Population Change Affect Estimates of the Effect of Immigration Policies on the Federal Budget?
With Doug Elmendorf
2024, Penn Wharton Budget Model Policy Brief
Population change modeling work with Matt Esche and Jeremy Neufeld [pdf, code

A Serious Case for Dynamic Scoring

With Doug Elmendorf

2023, guest post on Matthew Yglesias's Slow Boring

I also discussed this material in a talk (skip to 5:47:51) at the 2023 Federal Trade Commission Microeconomics Conference

To Speed Scientific Progress, Understand How Science Policy Works

With Matt Clancy, Dan Correa, Jordan Dworkin, Paul Niehaus, and Caleb Watney

2023, Nature 620 (24 August): 724-726

To Speed Scientific Progress, Do Away with Funding Delays

2023, Washington Post

Drug Pricing Reforms Can Hurt Innovation. Here are 3 Ways to Prevent That

With Caleb Watney

2022, Washington Post

Breaking America's Patent Stalemate

With Lisa Larrimore Ouellette

2020, Project Syndicate

Reforming the Patent System

With Lisa Larrimore Ouellette   

2020, The Hamilton Project: Policy Proposal 2020-12  

Copyright 2020, Brookings Institution  

Endorsed by Senator Thom Tillis in two letters (available here and here) to the USPTO (see also here and here)

Op-Ed published by Project Syndicate  

Brief published by the German Marshall Fund of the United States #Tech2021 Project  

A Toolkit of Policies to Promote Innovation

With Nicholas Bloom and John Van Reenen   

2019, Journal of Economic Perspectives 33(3): 163-184  

Copyright 2019, American Economic Association  

Public comments

Comments on proposed Circular A-4

With David Autor and many others

2022, Docket No. OMB-2022-0014

Comments on Patent Eligibility Jurisprudence Study

With Maya Durvasula and Lisa Larrimore Ouellette

2021, Docket No. PTO-P-2021-0032

Other writing  

Accelerating Innovation Ecosystems: The Promise and Challenges of Regional Innovation Engines

With Jorge Guzman, Fiona Murray, and Scott Stern

Forthcoming, in Ben Jones and Josh Lerner (editors), Entrepreneurship and Innovation Policy and the Economy.  

NBER working paper #31541

Innovation: Market Failures and Public Policies

With Kevin Bryan  

2021, Chapter 13 in Kate Ho, Ali Hortacsu, and Alessandro Lizzeri  

Handbook of Industrial Organization 5(1): 281-388   

Copyright 2021, Elsevier  

NBER working paper #29173  


On Shoulders of Giants

2018, Science 361(6408): 1195  

Copyright 2018, American Association for the Advancement of Science  


Standing on the Shoulders of Scotchmer: The Empirical Economics of Cumulative Innovation

With Jeffrey Furman, Fiona Murray, and Scott Stern  

2017, Chapter 27 in Stephen Maurer (editor),  On the Shoulders of Giants: 350-357.  

Copyright 2017, Cambridge University Press  


Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation: Evidence from Health Care Markets

2016, in Josh Lerner and Scott Stern (editors), Innovation Policy and the Economy Volume 16: 53-87.  

Copyright 2016, University of Chicago Press  

NBER working paper #21246  


Innovation Inducement Prizes: Connecting Research to Policy

2012, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 31(3): 752-776  

Copyright 2012, Wiley-Blackwell  


Incentivizing Innovation: Adding to the Tool Kit  

With Michael Kremer   

2010, in Josh Lerner and Scott Stern (editors), Innovation Policy and the Economy Volume 10: 1-17   

Copyright 2010, University of Chicago Press  


Advance Market Commitments for Vaccines Against Neglected Diseases: Estimating Costs and Effectiveness

With Ernst Berndt, Rachel Glennerster, Michael Kremer, Jean Lee, Ruth Levine, and Georg Weizsäcker  

2007, Health Economics 16(3): 491-511  

Copyright 2007, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  

NBER working paper #11288  


Creating Markets for Vaccines 

With Rachel Glennerster and Michael Kremer   

2006, Innovations: Technology | Governance | Globalization 1(1): 67-79   

Copyright 2006, MIT Press  


Advance Market Commitments: A Policy to Stimulate Investments in Vaccines for Neglected Diseases

With Owen Barder and Michael Kremer   

2006, The Economists' Voice 3(3): article 1   

Copyright 2006, Berkeley Electronic Press  


The Price of Life

With Rachel Glennerster and Michael Kremer   

2005, Foreign Policy May/June: 26-27   

Copyright 2005, Foreign Policy