Free (yes, really) HEIC Converter

Convert unlimited HEIC files to JPG or PNG.  Batch processing, and easy to use!

"Sometimes you just want a free tool that is actually free"

Why I Built This

My iPhone storage was full and I needed to make space.  I had about 20 GB of images and videos that I decided to offload onto my PC.  What I didn't realize was that the images were all in .heic format and therefore not viewable or printable.  I searched online for HEIC to JPG/PNG converters and found some but none of them were free.  Over the years, I have found so many useful programs that have a trial or limited functionality unless you license them... so I built a free HEIC converter for YOU.  I'm tired of paying for things that should be free, so my gift to you is this tool.  I hope it saves you some time and money!

~ Matt L.

Easy to use interface

Quickly add individual files, or find all .heic files from a parent directory (will search all subdirectories as well)

Batch conversion

Unlimited file conversion...  No license, no registration, no cost!

Download HEIC Converter

Please note: This software is as-is, no warranty, and there is no standard support.

Windows PC

Get it on the Microsoft Store

P.S. The installer is hosted on Google Drive and you will see a warning about unable to scan the file.  It's just the application installer, but feel free to use your own scanner on it!


If you have questions, please reach out to me at