Call for Papers

HeDAI invites submissions of original research, practical experiences, evaluation results, or novel approaches and applications. Papers submitted should be at most eight (8) pages long (including all references and figures). In addition, we welcome technical summaries of previous research relevant to the workshop as short paper submissions of up to four (4) pages long (including all references and figures). Papers of this kind outline work of the authors that has already been published in other venues, and highlight the relevant future directions. Finally, we accept position, outrageous-idea and vision papers of up to four (4) pages long (including all references and figures). Submissions should have their type mentioned within, as a title footnote (i.e., technical, summary or position paper). Any submitted paper violating the length, file type, or formatting requirements will be desk rejected.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

● Artificial intelligence (AI) & machine learning in health data management
● Explainable AI in Healthcare Management
● Natural language processing and text mining techniques for health data
● Web-scale & cloud based health data management systems
● Wearable and sensor data integration with health data
● Recommendations for health data
● Exploratory search of health data via query reformulation, auto-completion, type-ahead search, and approximate query-answering
● Health data exploration through visualization
● Analytics over large-scale health data
● Knowledge graph construction on health data
● Generation and aggregation of health semantics
● Semantic integration of heterogeneous health data sources
● Ontologies and data models on the health domain
● NoSQL & graph databases for health data management
● Semantic search & reasoning over health data
● Data quality, profiling, and uncertainty of health data
● Novel techniques for security, privacy and sharing of health data
● Blockchain-based solutions for health data management

A post-workshop report with the roadmap of the involved research challenges is foreseen to be published in SIGMOD Record.

Papers should be submitted electronically as PDF documents. Papers should be in 2-column style (including all material) and must be formatted with the same rules as all EDBT Workshop papers using the CEUR-ART style without any change in terms of fonts, margins, inter-column spacing, style, footers, etc. Templates for LaTeX and DOCX are available here: and on overleaf: Please make sure to enable the two column style in the template. All accepted workshop papers will be published in the CEUR-WS series, in a joint volume will all EDBT 2023 workshops.

Submission Web Site

Submissions will be accepted only through the submission site CMT:

Important Dates

Paper submission: February 1, 2023

Authors notification: February 20, 2023

Camera ready: February 24, 2023

Workshop date: March 28, 2023