Published Papers:
Published Papers:
(Links are to journal websites; please email me directly if you do not have journal access.)
"Persisting Despite the Relativistic Odds," (forthcoming) Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
"Persisting Despite the Relativistic Odds," (forthcoming) Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
"Time and Special Relativity," (forthcoming) in Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Time, ed., Nina Emery, Routledge.
"Time and Special Relativity," (forthcoming) in Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Time, ed., Nina Emery, Routledge.
"Reply to Root-Bernstein: Increasing complexity allows for the pervasiveness of low-complexity entities and is not anthropocentric," with Michael Wong, et., al. (2024) in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
"Reply to Root-Bernstein: Increasing complexity allows for the pervasiveness of low-complexity entities and is not anthropocentric," with Michael Wong, et., al. (2024) in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
"On the roles of function and selection in evolving systems," with Michael Wong, et. al. (2023) in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
"On the roles of function and selection in evolving systems," with Michael Wong, et. al. (2023) in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
"Humean Undermining," with Elizabeth Miller (2023) in Humeanism, ed., Hicks, Jaag, Loew, Oxford University Press.
"Humean Undermining," with Elizabeth Miller (2023) in Humeanism, ed., Hicks, Jaag, Loew, Oxford University Press.
"Isolation, Not Locality," with Michael Townsen Hicks (2021) Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 103(3): 607-619.
"Isolation, Not Locality," with Michael Townsen Hicks (2021) Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 103(3): 607-619.
“Similarity and Enjoyment Predict Continuation for Women in Philosophy” (2017) Analysis, 77(3): 525-541.
“Similarity and Enjoyment Predict Continuation for Women in Philosophy” (2017) Analysis, 77(3): 525-541.
“Powerful Properties, Powerless Laws” (2017) in Causal Powers, ed., Jonathan Jacobs (pp. 38-53), Oxford University Press.
“Powerful Properties, Powerless Laws” (2017) in Causal Powers, ed., Jonathan Jacobs (pp. 38-53), Oxford University Press.
“Fission May Kill You (But Not for the Reasons You Thought)” (2016) Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 93(3): 565–582.
“Fission May Kill You (But Not for the Reasons You Thought)” (2016) Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 93(3): 565–582.
“Do Counterfactuals Ground the Laws? A Critique of Lange” (2012) Philosophy of Science, 79(3): 333-344.
“Do Counterfactuals Ground the Laws? A Critique of Lange” (2012) Philosophy of Science, 79(3): 333-344.
Stuff I'm working on now:
Stuff I'm working on now:
Arguments against pragmatic Humean accounts of laws
Arguments against pragmatic Humean accounts of laws
Humean laws as sentences, propositions, or states of affairs (with Isaac Wilhelm)
Humean laws as sentences, propositions, or states of affairs (with Isaac Wilhelm)
Law of increasing complexity
Law of increasing complexity
Macrostates in the Mentaculus
Macrostates in the Mentaculus
Potency best systems and the generation of new powers
Potency best systems and the generation of new powers
How potency best systems can avoid explanatory circularity and accommodate usefulness
How potency best systems can avoid explanatory circularity and accommodate usefulness
Flowing time without a shared present moment
Flowing time without a shared present moment