
"His Words are Just Water"

2022 Self Portrait, 

14 x 16 inches

Colored Pencil

Heather Hill

BFA, Savannah College of Art & Design

Masters Degree, University of South Carolina

I am a Goose Creek, South Carolina-based, award-winning local artist and instructor that specializes in realistic or painterly drawings and paintings. My drawings of larger-than-life thread spools are built up with many layers of colored pencil to capture the sheen of light reflected from the silk.  The placement and color scheme of my compositions frequently reflect human ties within a family or community.

My art is influenced by my role as a single mother to boys, and the shift in matriarchal roles I've witnessed in the last half century.  I enjoy making this work and find it a welcome diversion to from the mundane chores and bread-winning tasks that I must complete to keep my household running.  In a world of busy-ness bordering on chaos, I want my art to allow viewers to take a moment of pause to appreciate a moment of simplicity and beauty.