Heartland Elementary PTO

Well the school year is off to a great start! All supplies have been delivered and students are hard at work.  We are looking forward to our first official fundraiser of the year.  Our Fun Run will begin on August 30 and end with the actual run on September 12th.  We encourage you all to create your child's My Booster account and Star video.  Our goal is to have 35% of our students to create an account and 50% of our students to create a video.  Both of these have fun incentives the children can earn! Our overall goal is to raise $15,000 for our school and with your help we can do it!

A HUGE thank you to the Barton Malow Company, this is the construction company building Blue Oval. They VERY generously stepped up and filled the need for school supplies for us this year. We truly appreciate their commitment to help the community and our school. 

We want to congratulate all of our winners of our open house giveaways and silent auction!

Upcoming 2024-25 PTO Events & Fundraisers 

All items listed are pending approval unless otherwise noted. We will post an updated final list when we receive that information. 

Spirit Nights-

Mark's Feed Store

Texas Roadhouse

Buff City 

Barnes & Noble

Panda Express 


Chic fil A 



Extreme Arcade 

Fundraising Events-

Fun Run (approved as our main fundraiser) This will kick off at the end of August with the event being September 12th. 

We have been attending the training and planning meetings for this event over the summer and look forward to sharing all of the details soon!

Ceiling tile painting 

Sonny Boys BBQ

Parents Night Out 

Birthday Grams 

Fundraiser Opt out w/ donation to PTO 

Craft fair/Vendor event 

Yard Sale 

Pennies for our playground 

Spirit wear 


Target Circle Community 

Misc Events-

Trick or Treat event (Candy Wars) 

Sweethearts dance 

Grandparent event 

** If anyone has ideas for fundraisers that have worked for your past schools or events that were successful we are happy to hear any suggestions! 

2024-25 Executive Board 

Principal: Emily Campbell

Teacher Representative: Miranda Cecil  

President: Karoline Meadows 

Vice President:  Jessica Turner

Secretary: April Helman  

Treasurer: Samantha Perkins 

Volunteer Coordinator:  Position Available

Elections will be held for our Volunteer Coordinator position after we get the school year started. Information will be listed here and sent home. 

volunteer Information

Volunteer Friends, 

The Heartland Elementary School Pto Board would like to welcome you to the 2024-25 school year! We are a board made up of parents, teachers, administrators, who are all dedicated to the successful education of our children. The Pto board works hard to help make the school year both enjoyable and exciting for the students and teachers.

Our purpose is to aid the students and staff by providing support for educational and recreational needs, and to encourage school spirit and pride. HES PTO cannot succeed in our mission without YOUR help! We warmly invite and encourage you to get involved in Heartland Elementary! Throughout the year, the PTO Board plans events and additional volunteers will be needed as these events take place.

Examples of how the PTO has been able to “give back” to the school and our children include the Free Little Library, Playground, Playground Pavilion, various technology, Bulldog Store, funding of school supplies, end of the year awards, student incentives, 5th Grade Send On, Kindergarten Graduation, Staff Appreciation, Spring Carnival, Girls and Boys Basketball, Volleyball, Breakfast of Champions, supplemental funding for Beta, Arts and Humanities Night, Red Ribbon Week, testing shirts and testing motivation, and so much more! All this is achieved solely through fundraising dollars. We typically fund, 27k-30k in needs for Heartland each school year, 

The biggest need for PTO volunteers is our Spring Carnival, getting donations for our Silent Auction and Teacher Appreciation Week. These are held during our second semester. Planning will begin after Christmas break for those. We also need volunteers throughout the year to help sort and distribute flyers, supervise bouncy houses, and other fun student incentives.

When a volunteer need arises for a PTO hosted event, opportunities will be posted on our FB page or on the Bloomz App. Mrs. Krystal Miller, Heartland’s Volunteer Coordinator has also agreed to post on the Bloomz App under the volunteer tab when opportunities arise for pto related events as well. 

**All volunteers must have an approved background check on file.

 If you are interested in volunteering to help in the classroom, small groups, field trips or other various volunteer opportunities inside the school and not event related, please fill out the HCS Volunteer Application on the HCS web page and select Heartland Elementary. These opportunities are directly though HES and not the pto. Mrs. Krystal Miller is the direct contact for these opportunities. Most PTO’s coordinate all the volunteer opportunities, but our school is fortunate enough to have our very own Volunteer Coordinator that handles all of these opportunities. Mrs. Miller is amazing at coordinating these opportunities for our Heartland Families!

Please be sure to “like” and “follow” Heartland Elementary School PTO on Facebook, as we post frequently.

In the meantime, please check out our tab on the Heartland Elementary School webpage on additional ways to give back to Heartland and upcoming events. https://sites.google.com/view/heartlandpto/home

Thank you for donating your time, we look forward to  volunteering alongside you! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us anytime at heartlandpto.board@gmail.com.

Contact PTO

Contacting PTO:

Feel free to contact us anytime with any questions you may have. We would love to hear from you! 

Phone: (270)769.8930

E-mail: Heartlandpto.board@gmail.com

Karoline Meadows 

PTO President 

Phone: (270)268.2443

*Please understand that I may be in a situation that does not allow me to answer my phone right away. If a message is left I will get back to you as soon as I am able. 

What does PTO fund? 

Items PTO pays for or supplements: 

*School Supplies

*Bulldog Store 



*Fitness Club

*Girls and Boys Basketball Teams

*VEX Robotics

*Volleyball Teams

*Check In/Out

*Red Ribbon Week

*Year End Awards 

*Testing T-shirts

*Academic Team

*Beta Club 

*5th Grade Send On

*Kindergarten Graduation

*Art & Humanities Night

*Spring Arts Night 

*Assessment Motivation

*Teacher Appreciation Week

* Field Trips 

* KSA Awards

* Playground 

* Shade Pavilion 

*Technology Ex: Chrome Carts 

* Testing pancake breakfast 

* Bounce Houses and Foam Parties 

*Spring Carnival/other PTO related events 

*Many other areas of need!

OVER $30k budgeted this school year!

In previous years, additional items funded included school supplies for every student, our playground, shade pavilion, Free Little Library, Chrome Carts, Bulldog Mascot and so much more! We are so grateful for all the generosity and support we've received! This wouldn't be possible without YOU!! 

Simple ways to support and upcoming fundraisers!

Kroger's Community Rewards

Register your Kroger Card to benefit Heartland Elementary at no cost to you (you will still earn all fuel points and rewards). The Kroger Community Rewards Program will return a % of what you spend to us which helps to provide extra funding towards programs and needs of our school!


Don't miss out on the Back to School sale!

Now ACCEPTING new and gently used toys and stuffed animals for Bulldog Store! 

Contact PTO to arrange pickup or kindly drop off at the office.